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Sunday 6 November 2016


John was torn in his mind as he had great plans for the evening ,but his heart was weak, considering that he had to decide whether he will be a good    gentleman or let the devil within act. He had always believed that women (people in general) cannot be fixed, except possibly by the grace of God .Sally had her mind made up since she was down with a good short sex and beautiful night rest. She needed to get John to a room as soon as possible, but she also had her pride to protect. She had a plan- a discrete sweet seduction.
John came up with an idea, an excuse that will be ideal for the situation he had found himself, get a little high on alcohol and let the girl get drunk. That way his emotions will be a 'little numb' and he can be heartless enough to commit an act he'll be sorry for by morning.
"Let's go back to the party" John said. They soon walked into the club where they began to dance. At first John sat on an arm chair, watching the large number of people feeling the groove; of course, the elderly ones had left and this was just a last moment of bachelorhood for the couple. John was absolutely impressed with the way Sally danced, a reminder that 'this girl' was used to the streets- the kind of woman you're afraid to marry. She soon danced towards John, encouraging him to dance, John however had never been the club type, was not conversant with the moves made, but with time and a bit of alcohol and a little motivation from 'tantalizing' lies he was soon on the dance floor feeling the party.
John remembered little afterwards; he was in the room and he knew he was kissing someone, the series of impressions on his mind were all in geometric progression, but as occurs with years of constant practice, his brain could still maintain a flow of medical stuff, thinking 'rather' clearly of the implications of having unprotected sex; HIV, STDs, it was probably too late now and he knew he was in danger.
The action was fast and he felt his clothes falling off, he knew he felt small firm breast but at that point something in him gave way, it was all darkness as he surrendered his soul to the god of the night.

Thursday 20 October 2016


''To let him dance in the rain''. Those words came to Johns mind; the subject of our daily encounter was like dancing in the rain. Within the time He had spent being involved with women, he had realized that women kept no secretes especially on matters of the heart, and that the power that they wielded in their tongue had a magnetic connection to everything around them; a stench, from their supposed frailty to their definitive destructive power.
Once he had grown so close to a lady and within a short time, the implication of their relationship almost wrecked his academic carrier; like a metamorphosis, a 'desquamation' of his very life epithelium.
Sitting at the pool side with Sally, The cool breeze blowing around them was calling to them to be warm, a physiological 'itch' that kept bothering Johns mind. In his mind was a war of two cities, the one that feared nothing and the other that was so familiar with the consequence of his actions; mistakes made that were so difficult to reconcile.
A friend had once told him that a good name was better, but another voice in his head kept hammering on the fact ''why not take what you can and move on.'' A soft spot on his heart wanted to help the young girl sitting by his side; he wanted to be different, yet his mind was bugged by the few minutes of pleasure he could have tonight, at least to ease his pain, an atonement for the pain he's passed through at the hands of a few women, even though it meant death to his salvation. John was scared he was getting psychotic, but he was still focused on the dream; the motivation that made him want to be a doctor, that desire to have a good name. He was resisting, but he soon found himself going with another flow, one that was being pushed by the experience of a girl born by the streets, bred in the streets and refined within the walls of the streets; a 'soft' girl by nature, wealthy by family privilege but impoverished by the madness of her society.
Sally was 'urging' and ready for sex, her hormones were on fire with decisive intent, she had been 'starving' and right now she was horny enough to 'rape' a man.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

METROGYPSIE: How To Rock | #lingerieAsOuterwear + #tips

Hi guys,
 I have actually blogged this on Kamdora.com  for my Thursday-on-Kam post. I try not to use too many photos on my kamdora.com posts and also tend to get more straight to the point on there..so I’d share it all on here with outfit details.
The Lingerie as Outwear trend has been seen consistently on the runways, shoots and on our favorite celebrities.

Monday 17 October 2016


Looking back at those days, Mary had made up her mind to regret nothing, although at this point she was uncertain of a future (which is absolutely 'nuts')  even if it seemed promising (by this she meant her marriage). She was caught in a net, and in bad shape, but felt lucky that she eventually had a chance to get married; compared to her friends who were there present and represented the 'psychedelic'(relating to or denoting drugs (especially LSD) that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness.) class who saw marriage as a burden.
Not ignoring the statistic so widely known that one(1) out of every three girls  had done an abortion at some point in their life; she represented that 1 fraction; only she had done it multiple times, twice for the man she was now married to, - as always, she was with the minority. This did not bother her much because over time she had tapped into the power of pretense; by understanding the principle by which women command power. She was a walking time bomb and in her opinion this was the only way she could survive.

Sunday 16 October 2016


The couple 'marched' into the club ready to dance till ''they dropped dead''. It is the most important day in Marys life; at least so far, but the displeasing fact was the picture that was right before her; all the wasted years spent clubbing, how her relationship with John was left for dead; she always hoped that he had really forgiven her, because she knew that whatever John turned out to be now was because of her rejection and wayward lifestyle.
Mary took a long shot from the good girl she was when she and John were childhood sweethearts to a totally different person; although John will always insist that they will always be friends, he however acknowledged that she had lost her decency. Mary had began to get involved with rather promising and fun loving friends who introduced her to the fancy way of life, but within her soul she knew this was a disaster; she couldn't beat the crowd, why not join.

First University in Nigeria: Ahmadu Bello University launches first ‘Online’ MBA in Nigeria

I came across this publication on LindaIkejisblog.com, I'm very impressed with this new height attained in the academic field among Nigerian institutions; Ahmadu Bello university has proved outstanding especially in this period of economic recession. 

Saturday 15 October 2016


A couple of days back, Maraji appeared on coca cola launch party alongside Falz d bahd guy and many other celebrities. I can't really tell if this is her first big appearance but @Maraji has been a super important media personality on social media, especially on instagram where she can hit over 612 hits per video in 12 minutes. Her fashion sense though, something she should probably work. 
View pictures after the cut.


The couple arrived just on time amidst cheers from the waiting crowd, the sound soon began to fade from Sally's ear; she was lost in her own thought and memories from her past were beginning to resurface. To her it was like a nightmare, only that she was awake and aware.
When she was 16, she had received a letter from Michael; a boy she was romantically involved with, which contained a message so strong that for a long time it had a positive impact in her, but now she feels she had lost the message. Her thoughts however continued to dig deeper.
Michael was one of the most intelligent and lovable people in the class, Sally on the other hand was a perfect opposite; she was 'everyone's girl' to be precise, but somehow from the moment she and mike(for short) first saw each other, which was about a week after Sally was transferred to the new school, there was something between them that connected. Michael had become so attached to her; and thinking about it now, she felt it was because of his nerdy boring life compared to her open wild life. Those thoughts were so mediocre now; by this she meant the way she saw life then.
Although Sally had been very much involved in sexual activities, Mike had little experience. They soon got sexually involved. Over time, their relationship became something that was thrown in the open, and like in every society, the elites did not approve. Being clever as it is; not academically, but in games such as this which were childish and depressing, she saw doom coming her way, but she was ready for it and she took it in all bravery; maybe because at that time, even while with Mike, she was still sexually involved with other boys and men from her past who satisfied her sexual desires- Needless to say, she believed; not to categorically abuse the word, that she was a nymphomaniac.
Sally however never stopped loving Mike, and always wished that she had kept him. The first and only letter that Mike wrote her was something that was an inspiration for her and it carried so powerful a message that it still scares her. She still wondered how he could have conceived such a message at that young age; maybe it was his brilliant nature, or experience, or God given wisdom.

Thursday 13 October 2016


So our dear dear ''fashion royalty'' is at it again!!!. This publication is actually made up of a video and ''auto- awesome'' pictures that will blow your mind away. Stephanie talks more about her outfit, not just explaining what they mean to her, but letting you; the reader and viewer experience what it means to be a metrogypsite.. +Metrogypsie +Metrogypsie !



As a formality, everyone had arrived before the bride and groom; as they stood up waiting patiently, some of them with drinks in their hands waiting for the new couples' arrival in grand style. The Dj was already on the beat.
In the time before the couple arrived, although John and Sally stood next to each other, observing the many couples around, their thoughts were worlds apart, and the 'pinch' on their hearts was a precedent to their anticipated togetherness. In Johns mind, he had began to wonder on the issue of virginity, marriage and love and on the complexity of having to marry a girl who he knew little about; because in his opinion, there were too many secrets someone can hide from another person, just as he has this one on his mind; the sex factor.
The thought on John's  mind was '' how to justify that he was ''walking'' towards having sex with a girl so much younger than he was, who was not a virgin and who is wild. A list of possible things were running through his mind; he had never liked the idea of protected sex, so what if she had AIDS, or an infection; gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts,hepatitis?,''HIV nor dey show for face O!!''. Everything was on the line; his entire future, but the ''ignore the fears'' part of his mind did not care about ethical value. He could not ascertain how many men she had been with, and he could bet that in her heart she was probably expecting that he, John, will be willing to enter a relationship with her and eventually marry her. He let out a gentle laugh and went on to bother his mind about other things, like the patients he had to see in 'tomorrows call'.

Tuesday 11 October 2016


It has become very common in all Nigerian weddings to spray money as a show of social status and Felicia ; it has indeed become a ritual.
Like the majority, Mary's wedding was no different- spraying money is a life long tradition of the wealthy and affluent Nigerian, a way of showing they have arrived. It is almost a part of our culture.
With the wads of naira notes floating in the air and high life music playing in the background, the couple were on the road to a happy matrimony.
John sprayed for a few 'life long' minutes, having been able to convert about fifty thousand naira to new bundles of two hundred naira notes; although at a loss of five thousand naira, this however significantly increased the quantity of the initial fifty thousand naira and also the duration of spray. Its a lot of mathematics, but Nigerians have a way of making money from everything. 
By the time John was done Sally was by his side, and John offered her a ride to the after party.

In the car, they continued their discussion where they left off, with John finally bringing up the topic of sex, asking if she, Sally, had had sex.
''very likely, every interaction between a boy and a girl on a social platform has a way of playing towards sex''
Her answer which was that she hadn't had sex surprised John; considering that he saw her as a 'wild girl', but she went on to say ''I was raped when I was younger by a friend'; to John, her statement was outright and blatantly pity eliciting, while being contradicting. John had a mentality; maybe because he still cannot grasp the complications of living as a woman, that a woman cannot claim to be raped except when rape drugs or violence was used with an outright intent to rape, he also felt that the crime of rape was defined exclusively by how the woman feels about a sexual encounter whether violent or not; he briefly recalled in his mind an experience from medical school, but that experience has to wait.

Monday 10 October 2016

FASHION: Stephanie of @metrogypsie

View beautiful pictures of the ever modest and beautiful Fashion blogger +Metrogypsie . This beauty with brains never stops to wow with giant strides all the way.
Check out her Zara Jacket, River Island skirt, La Senza and Aldo shoes, a perfect combination of class and style, and let her guide you through how she put her outfit together, #womenwithpurpose.



At the reception, Sally was on the lookout for John, wondering where he was; all the time, soon her thoughts of him were beginning to ‘fade’, but he showed up, and in new clothes too; john had never been a fan of flamboyant dressing, he had always loved to be in simple comfortable clothes and over time his love for simplicity has created for him a comfortable 'niche'. He was in a blue Jean, a ‘carton’ colored polo and blue sneakers; that’s as comfortable as anyone can get, he soon found himself beside sally, who had little to do with her time and needed someone to talk.
John started a conversation, and at this point he had already lost interest in the proceeding of the wedding, He heard something about the introduction of guests, but that was about it.
 In their ‘chasing’ chatter they were soon lost in the sweet seduction of each other’s sweet side
In their ‘chasing’ chatter they were soon lost in the sweet seduction of each other’s sweet side; it was matter of 'seconds' before they soon exchanged numbers and made plans for how they will spend time together at the after ‘night’ party.
Sally had become used to a world of disappointment; in her opinion, men had a sexually driven misplaced priority. At her young age she had been in relationships with several men, she had rich backgrounds, 'nor was she being molested'; but of course, growing up within the commercial city of Warri (in delta state) was as much exposure as anyone will need. She had gained much experience in the rather crazy 'aristocratic' setting of a 'bestial society' where men are hunters and young girls the prey- to such men each score was a 'sigma bond'.

Saturday 8 October 2016



In the time between meeting Sally and the ‘erotics’ of the night that followed, anyone would have believed that “living was at its peak of seduction, and that death was inevitable”.
On a beautiful Saturday morning, John had prepared for the best of days; being a graduate of Medicine and an acknowledged distinction student, He was prepared for a world of distress and competition, complete with Nigeria's economic recession or meltdown, and his focus was to beat the world and make it a better place; but one thing was certain, John was not ready for a world of women.
Sally is beautiful, young and elegant, the kind of girl you’ll be afraid to approach on a normal day because you know in your heart, from her outward appearance and flamboyant lifestyle that she was not the kind of woman that could be a mother to your children; at least from the African perspective that's what you'd assume. But move over, because in this game that we play, we try to win even with wolves in sheep clothing.
It was Mary and Peter’s marriage and John was ready for that wonderful celebration. Mary had been his childhood crush and sweetheart and although he ‘didn’t crush any candy,’ he had been devoted to the friendship for so long. When he got an invitation via mail to attend the wedding, he felt rather pleased that she still thought of him. As a doctor and having distinguished himself, he was going to turn up for the wedding in grand style.
Moving about in the streets of Warri (a city in Southern Nigeria) can be a tiring task, except maybe you’re in a comfortable dress, an AC car and you can afford to be in those; Luckily, John could afford both. John left not too early, considering that he has never been a big fan of an early turn up, although recently on his travel to the United States; he did realize that living by the African man time will be a great danger to him, his patients and his future if he followed that footstep.
He was however in time to hear the wedding vows, having successfully avoided the ‘bore’ of the pre-marital sermon which took a large part of the time. His entrance did not go unnoticed. He was in his brand new suite, ‘not a tuxedo as you can imagine; which he could not afford, but for a new school graduate, it was pretty expensive stuff and showed the respect of his profession’. His shoes were a pair of new Gucci which he just purchased, a male version of what you’d find on female fashion blogger +metro-gypsies blog. They were nice and fitting; a showing royalty.

Sunday 24 July 2016


I first saw pictures of Racheal on instagram, where I took interest in her presentation, art of modeling and love to promote African traditional heritage even while in a western dress. Her smile brings warmth to depressed heart reminding you in a mental picture where you are from. Her passion to dare in the ever growing world of the Nigerian Fashion industry led to this promotion by @oscroyal.com.
For advertisement, photoshoots, or video shoot, please contact her;
instagram: Amune Racheal
mobile number: 0903395201,
or contact the CEO oscroyal.com@ 08067937345.

Saturday 23 July 2016


For some time, my opinion about life on the streets; as we Nigerians call it, has been very diverse but now I think I'm cleared and I see clearly.
Life is not easy for so many, although for some of us who see privilege we forget to acknowledge the beauty in out solitude and peace of mind that we find in our ability to be loved and cared for.
Recently I met someone who I'll call 'a friend' and to many this is quite dangerous and irresponsible but to say the least, she's a prostitute.
She happens to also be a student , educated and in the sciences and pretty close to my course, a medical profession. But when we began speaking, I realised she's everything and more that many people are not. Ever seen a prostitute so charming in their approach to words or in the their simple and point approach to things? . Some may be in the game for selfish reason, but in her words. "Its how I survive".
I began to listen; wondering in my mind what do you mean as she continued speaking to me : I have no pride - especially about the things that I do, but this is how I survive , I sleep with people for money to get paid and that way I can take care of myself, pay my bills and walk in " that" class.

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Mrs. Chinasa a big business owner tells story of her fibroid pains and the recent surgery for the removal which she thought was her last option. She used this medium to advice ladies who are going through such pains.

“I choose to tell you my story today. Number one, I keep everything in my life under wraps because of the negativity out there. 90 percent of my life doesn’t make it to the Internet. I’ve been through a lot in my life but I’ll let you read all the truth in my book and watch on my reality show “Building Your Business”. A lot of people send me DMs and emails saying how perfect I am, how they want to be like me, how strong I am; Asking how I manage to run 20 businesses and take care of my 2 kids at the same time. I promised myself to always keep going to encourage the people I inspire.

This powerful strong woman you see is not perfect.

I have my pains and I cry too, especially when I’m misjudged. I have been betrayed and stabbed in the back severally by friends but I promised myself I was going to make a change for ladies who are determined to genuinely make it. This is why I put all my talent to use.

When I had My Son, Eric, I bled all through the pregnancy, not knowing I was even pregnant till about 5 months. 3 years after I had him, I was still having stomach pains and bleeding heavily through my periods. I went to my gynecologist, he said I had 3 small fibroids and a big size one. We agreed to take them out through laparoscopic surgery.

On the day of the surgery, I woke up thinking it was done. However, he said it was on my womb, that I could lose my womb if he tried to remove the fibriod. He said I should sign before they open me up and that it would have to be a major surgery. The gyneacologist also said that one of the fibroids was on my bladder which made me pee on myself any time I cough in public and it gave me terrible back and leg pains. He advised me to have another baby before the surgery.

Years after, I got pregnant with my daughter (Eunice) despite the consequences, my partner insisted I had the baby. I found out I was pregnant at 4 months like the first time cause I was having periods due to the fibroids. At 5 months, I was bedridden, I had a lot of pains from the pregnancy. I went to my gynecologist and he said I had something called “Red degeneration” where the fibroids suck the blood from the baby and doesn’t make it grow. That same day, I found out I had gestational diabetes. As a result of all these, I thought I was going to lose the baby and I was in non-stop pains till about 7 months when the pains stopped. During this period, I couldn’t walk, eat, bath myself not talk. Thanks to my partner and sister, they used to bath me. Later the baby started growing well and so were the 4 fibroids.
As a result of the gestational diabetes, my sugar levels were regularly monitored and my diet was changed.”

Friday 3 June 2016


There is a message that being in medical school can't pass to you; the power of the mind. This power, when directed is beautiful and can become so powerful a force that can drive you even when faith fails.


Pere Debby: +2348170309081
 A lot of women do this, ''makeover'', but pere does an awesome Job. About individuals with a great mind and focused destiny, I believe they do things that fit in the extra-ordinary. Pere is a student of Delta State University Abrake, A medical student, a model, and a makeup artiste, so far I think she does pretty good at her Job as well as doing great in school.
For sponsorship, makeup for weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries,events, please contact makeover by pere;
call the number +2348170309081, same number on whatsapp,
Instagram: @pereswit
View photos after the cut...

Monday 30 May 2016


There is a popular saying that ''one with God is majority'', yes these words are true and I've seen mountains rolled away when God is the helper.
About last night, I had a dream where I saw that the influence of things and people around me affects not only my physical attitude, but also the psychological, emotional and mental, in short, it affects my soul.
When my mind awoke from its subconscious, experiencing the reality that has over time been so clear to me, I began to realize how far I've gone from who I truly am. The mentality that people have about life leaves me rather shocked because to some, life is just a game, nothing serious ''a game of thrones'' but its more than that.
About last night, I let my mind wonder with the stars, asking myself how much greatness I can achieve, seeing that everyone around me is motivated to achieve outstanding success and seeing that opportunity lies in our resolve to keep fighting, aka, a word called commitment. I cannot begin to describe how many times I've tried and failed, but over time, I've realized that there is no need to fail if I follow the right course, do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and with whom it needs to be done.


She looked at me, and then she looked down, exclaiming in a short sarcastic way "what a life!".
The scene had me standing, a little bit in shock, wondering in my heart, really?, what a life?.
About last night, I woke having experienced an almost wet dream, and I was with a beautiful sexy woman in my arms, then the though hit me, what a life?.
Women who I've met and some who have loved me are the ones who have fought hardest to see me fail. It gives them pleasure I've realized, but is that life?, we only have one, why chose to hurt someone you love just because they dont love you back, or if they hurt you?.

Saturday 28 May 2016


So I watched this Video about Tyler Perry laying hands on bishop T.D Jakes and it got me thinking.
About last night when I began feeling like I'm human again having missed home for so long and seen my spiritual base undergo atrophy, I begin to feel the life that you get only when you're home, God bless Mummy,so I'm having fun time in the parlour, watching the champions league finale drama and how real madrid won, I went on youtube to see the latest videos, and guess what my search hit on Tyler perry and this amazing experience that is over two months Ago. The most amazing effect to me was not the laying of hands but the message that his words carried, ''WHAT GOD TOLD HIM''.
About last night, through my experience in life I've seen people who never believed in the power of giving and in the effect such powers have on their tomorrow. In tyler words;

Friday 27 May 2016


So I woke up this morning to a message on my page, ''can we date?''
was it morning already?, oh it was last night, so my friend called to know how I was doing, and as usual we had fun talking to and 'stroking' each other. So she tells me about her busy day and the unending disturbance from guys who are asking her out, so I begin to advice her and tell her how beautiful she is and how a guy can be deceitful and how everything needs to be given time, so I go on and on and on and I feel grateful that I have a friend that I can speak to.
so it was like a dream meeting Martha and I never understood what role I had to play in the life of the woman who I just met.It felt like I was in a mist......
When I first met Martha three weeks ago, I had no idea that we'll ever speak to each other again, the setting was strange, it was a rainy Sunday evening and my day had generally been bad and my mood was terrible. I had people that I needed to negotiate with and my business was on the low. Over time I have learned to pray and God always answered; so when Martha came my way, I felt that God had sent an angel. We talked for a few minutes trying to replay moments in our minds when we came across each other and still maintaining an inner peace as though we were two people playing love.

Thursday 26 May 2016


My friend Pere Debby.
What really bothers me is not peoples opinion but what weighs on me, on my heart, on a scale of right or wrong. I am not perfect but as always, My life - a mirror;
So I seat in my room, wondering what people say about me, my heart burdened with pain and worry about what the right things are.
Is it for the right of a woman that we fight?, that we present as individuals without hope?, we fight among ourselves, hoping for a price, a trophy, an achievement.
Being brought up in the way of the gospel, and having tasted the rot of this 'scorpion' world, a world where only the feared can achieve the success, I choose the way that God leads, it is the only way.
The questions that come to my mind is what do I truly seek?; is it fame, is it bliss, is it money, educations, a good job, a good woman?, well I've realized it all balls down to the friends that I keep.
Let me say that I've almost fallen into a financial wreck because of the kind of friends that I kept, losing focus on a better tomorrow and becoming victim to jealous and 'problematic' human beings in a world where I should be king.

SPELL IT OUT!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! DON'T MISS IT###############

This event is brought to you by Mr SUG(Student Union Government) in collaboration with Next Level Concepts, of which www.oscroyal.com is a media partner.
The competition is set to motivate greater educational drive and commitment by giving a one year scholarship to the top two final contestants, in addition to consolation prizes. The form cost two thousand Naira and the date for the finals is on the 15th of June 2016.
Spell it out is an amazing Idea that will help change the mindset of students all across Nigeria. To sponsor this event, please contact the organizers,
Ebube Nwani; 08135968441- Mr SUG Delta State University Abraka
Abigail Owusu
Joy Okofu- Newman: 08143259150
Shadrach Onyarin; 08067937345- Media Partner, CEO- OSCRoyal

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Eye infection resulting from Acanthameba Keratosis

Have you always check in with your doctor for normal routine checkup, of course I feel great, I’m not feeling sick and I eat well does not mean there aren’t any downs in our body system that need to be in check. It is very important to always do checkup. Some disease conditions do not give warning upon their arrival into our bodies such as heart failure, aneurysm (like aortic and abdominal) among others. Take for instance, acanthameba keratosis in which the cornea is affected and may result in permanent visual impairment. It is mostly gotten from water bodies which we depend on for survival.

Monday 23 May 2016


Over time, I've learnt to adjust to the life of a medical student, the stressful day, late night and few hours of sleep. Indeed the journey to success is a difficult one. In my opinion, its worth it.

About last night,
it was a dream,
and in a moment it was gone,
it was a mystery but then I understood.
Why bother about the matters of the heart when all that you are is in the heart, or of the friend you never had when they watch you burn for the sake of hate; when they're only human and won't live forever.


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases in which high blood sugar results over time. Diabetes is caused by a deficiency of insulin and is characterized by impaired glucose utilization, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and glycosuria (presence of sugar in urine). If left untreated, it may cause many complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis, cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic kidney failure, damage to the eyes.

DM is a disorder in metabolism, hence the way our bodies digest food for energy and growth. Most of what we eat is broken down into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar in the blood and it is the principal source of fuel in our bodies.

When our food is digested, the glucose makes its way into our bloodstream. Our cells use the glucose for metabolic processes such as growth. However glucose cannot enter our cells without insulin being present – insulin makes it possible for our cells to take in the glucose.

Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas. After eating, the pancreas automatically releases an adequate quantity of insulin to move the glucose present in our blood into the cells, as soon as glucose enters the cells blood glucose levels drop.

Saturday 21 May 2016

THAT QUESTION: Are Men Disrespectful when they hit disrespectful women?

This is my opinion. Its been a long time since I wrote an article for publication stating my view about how untamed and disrespectful certain women can be. To many my opinion is unacceptable, especially to my friends who believe that "if she gives you sex, you can take any nonsense and say okay". My question is why play a womans heart or on the mentality of a woman when you can clearly state your intention. Many people argue that it is an outright act of disrespect when you approach a woman and let her know that your intention is to have a casual sex; however, I don't believe this is entirely true, since certain woman fall directly under this category- not citing sex workers. Let me begin to explain what I intend to argue by this publication; this is a story and I hope you all grasp the concept. It's an arguable content, and I really look forward to reading your comments.

Thursday 12 May 2016


Brief Profile/Bio
My name is Stephanie Okafor, I’m a Financial Analyst based in London and a Digital Influencer behind the Metrogypsie brand. 
I am also the 2nd half of an Art Directing company called Fashion Siblings.
I’m a workaholic, one who is constantly thinking about something, doing something and then trying to start doing another, gets crazy. 
I’ve got an BSc in Economics, and Msc in International Business and a diploma in Marketing.
Extremely enthusiastic about style, trends and most things fashion, my style I would say is Retro Chic. 
I love to add value to people and situations.- extract :metrogypsie.org

Sunday 8 May 2016


Kim kardashian covers Australia's June 2016 issue. The mother of two who recently put her son on display in Cuba has done her first photo shoots for vogue. Read the extract from vogue.com after the cut.

FASHION: Metrogypsie

The casual color combination is superb and outstanding. The combination is just amazing, I'm pretty sure its an outfit you'll look great in going to the beech. View photos and her comment after the cut. Follow +Metrogypsie

Ben Carson's siamese twins separation now a legend or should I say Ben Carson's 8th wonder of the world!!!!

Left with me I would have said that this should be the 8th wonder of the world because till date i'm still baffled at this event that took place about 29 years ago, I don't know about you.

 The most interesting thing here is that both boys are now men and they are cute too.

Wednesday 4 May 2016


If you follow metrogypsie, then I'm sure you understand what it means to be addicted. I saw these pictures of her looking stunning and 'takeaway'. I loved the dress sense and combination. She tagged one of the pictures #denin life- deuces to the drama.View pictures after the cut..

Monday 2 May 2016


This outfit is a fashion blast. The jacket is killer and and the shoes got my eyes popping. For those of you who lover fashion this is pretty much something to go for.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Jadore Fashion: le torte

Last week, I had the opportunity of trying out Le Tote and it was impressive. The idea of selecting favorite items that fit one’s style and returning them for new selections is great. Le Tote is a fashion rental service that gives women access to an infinite closet of garments and accessories.

For my trial, I selected a suede wrap skirt, a black cami with unique details and a lace detailed sweater that I see myself pairing with a pencil skirl and pumps for work. I accessorized my first look with a drop necklace and a gold colored bracelet.

It is super simple to use Le Tote – Only pay $59/month and you will always have something new to wear. Receive styles you love, wear them and return and repeat all month. How amazing it that?!

You never know until you try it. You have to check it out! Get 20% off your first month using code  JADORE .- Esther

Let me tell you more about the service.
Fill out your size and style profile and click "add to closet" on all of your favorite items. This helps Le Tote learn your style!
Le Tote will curate your tote and you get to select the final styles you will like to receive.
Wear your tote (3 garments, 2 accessories) for as long or as little as you want! 2 days, 3 weeks, i.e. as long or little as you please!
Send the whole tote back in the prepaid envelope and they'll send you a new tote immediately.
Love an item from your tote? You can purchase it up to 50% off retail price! Just hold on to what you love and send everything else back. This lets Le Tote know that you wish to purchase! They will charge the card on file and send a new tote.
Shipping is FREE both ways
Unlimited pieces at one low price
No styling fees
You always get to customize your tote
Convenient — forget crowded malls, buyer's remorse, and poorly fitting products!
Le Tote takes care of the laundry
Each tote contains 3 garments and 2 accessories and when you rate your items for fit and style, Le Tote uses that information to personalize your totes so that you get the best fitting garments possible!

Le Tote Member Perks

Some of the Brands on Le Tote: Vince Camuto, Sam Edelman, Kate Spade, French Connection, House of Harlow, BB Dakota, BCBGeneration, Max Studio, Levi's, Free People, Rebecca Minkoff and more.- ester
Photographed by KeniaPro
Source: jadore

Monday 18 April 2016

“To desire is to obtain; to aspire is to achieve”…… James Allen

The results of a straight up decisive mind on which variety of thoughts roams about and emanate to the surface as a dream coming to pass are based on the mind or concept of one thought. We think about a particular interesting thought and tend to achieve what’s on our mind and finally work towards that thought and eventually becomes real. “To desire is to obtain; to aspire is to achieve”…… James Allen, we are what we are due to the effective thoughts on our mind. Our concepts of various fields such as technology, agriculture, productivity, medicine, and politics and so on were nursed by those who came before us. Thus, we realize the very ideas of those in the time past.

Technologies have evolved overtime with so much still to be birth and explore. The likes of douglas engelbart who was an engineer and inventor, years back produced the computer mouse which of course is widely used around the world.

However, would it be that had he not thought about the idea of Human computer interaction? We wouldn’t have come in contact with the computer mouse? A thought was formed and it gives birth to the idea.

Engelbart wanted to use technology to augment human intellect. He saw technology, especially computers, as the answers to the problem of dealing with the ever more complex modern world and has dedicated his life to the pursuit of developing technology to augment human intellect. "By 'augmenting human intellect' we mean increasing the capability of a man to approach a complex problem situation, to gain comprehension to suit his particular needs, and to derive solutions to problems. Increased capability in this respect is taken to mean a mixture of the following: more-rapid comprehension, better comprehension, the possibility of gaining a useful degree of comprehension in a situation that previously was too complex, speedier solutions, better solutions, and the possibility of finding solutions to problems that before seemed insoluble. And by "complex situations" we include the professional problems of diplomats, executives, social scientists, life scientists, physical scientists, attorneys, designers—whether the problem situation exists for twenty minutes or twenty years. We do not speak of isolated clever tricks that help in particular situations. We refer to a way of life in an integrated domain where hunches, cut-and-try, intangibles, and the human "feel for a situation" usefully co-exist with powerful concepts, streamlined terminology and notation, sophisticated methods, and high-powered electronic aids." Engelbart, Augmenting Human Intellect: Introduction.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Jim Ovia Foundation: Trustees

Our Trustee Board and Officers are comprised of an incredible array of philanthropic, passionate, seasoned individuals with deep and sincere investments in the foundation’s mission for local empowerment and upliftment. Providing oversight to ensure financial and strategic efficiencies on all the foundation’s efforts and operations, they are deeply committed to humanitarian and philanthropic empowerment and development work to enhance and create opportunities for significant impact and growth in the Nigeria and the world at large.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Sponsor this contestant for queen of emarald Nigeria

View pictures of Annabel Yiki, a contestant for queen of emarald Nigeria

To sponsor this contestant please call 08067937345 or 09030229458.

Monday 11 April 2016


Welcome to the final post of the MADE IN LAGOS Series. It was such a blast shooting around the city in all these stunning clothes. I already can’t wait to return to Lagos this Summer and do the whole thing again! For the final outfit I wore a sheer Bridget Awosika shirt that has a beautiful green detail. I first saw it on the LFDW runway and instantly fell in love. This is the perfect summer button-up and will be great over jeans or to tucked into a skirt (as I have  demonstrated here!)

I real hope you enjoyed this series. let me know what your favourite look is by commenting below! Also, a special thank you to all the designers who collaborated with me on this.

Outfit Details:

Bridget Awosika Shirt

MSGM Skirt

Simone Rocha Mary Jane Flats

Zashadu Bag

Celine Sunglasses

Location: Queen’s Drive, Ikoyi

Photos by Ipinayo Ade-Akingboye

Makeup by Chioma Peggy

Hair by Adetunji Olafinlade
Source: Jtofashion.

ON: Mymetics' HIV vaccine candidate confirms promise in preclinical study

Let us be hopeful and pray, this might just be the end to the HIV virus disease. # Fingers crossed- OSCRoyal
Mymetics Corporation, a pioneer in the research and development of virosome-based vaccines to prevent transmission of human infectious diseases across mucosal membranes, announced today that its innovative HIV vaccine candidate has shown to generate significant protection in groups of twelve female monkeys against repeated AIDS virus exposures during part of the preclinical study.
The blinded study was led by Dr. Ruth Ruprecht, Scientist & Director of the Texas Biomed AIDS Research Program and was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. During the first part of the study the Mymetics' two-component virosome-based HIV vaccine was able to show significant efficacy of 87% in delaying the time to persistent infection versus the control group after 7 intravaginal virus challenges. The study aimed to mimic the exposure of women to semen from HIV-infected men, although the viral dose of each of these 7 animal challenges represented about 70,000 times the average human HIV dose passed during sexual intercourse from an HIV-infected male to an uninfected female.
During the second part of the study the animal viral challenge dose was increased by 50% starting from the 8th challenge onward, reaching more than 100,000 times the average amount of virus passed from an infected man to a female partner. At this virus dose, the vaccine did not show significant protection in the animals as the immune system was overloaded.
Dr. Ruth Ruprecht said, "We are encouraged by the initial strong protection provided by the vaccine candidate, which is in line with the results from an earlier primate study performed in China that we were asked to repeat. The fact that the vaccine-induced immune defenses were eventually overcome requires a careful analysis to understand the mechanisms of the initial vaccine action and to learn what other immune defenses can be enlisted to yield even more potent antiviral action."

Menstrual cups: Facts that proove their worth

Did you know that menstrual cups have around since the mid 1900's, before pads and tampons?... Well here is a killer; not all outdated stuff are meant to remain that way. Below are facts from yahoo news that show how important these cups are, hygiene related and otherwise. - OSCRoyal.

You’ve probably heard the buzz surrounding menstrual cups lately—from natural health blogs to TV shows (check out the clip below from Younger, where Hilary Duff asks Sutton Foster to remove hers), they’re the latest and greatest in period protection. But the most recent trend in “feminine hygiene” isn’t actually that new at all. They’ve been around since the mid-1900s, and women here in the U.S. are rediscovering the small silicone devices as a cost-effective, eco-friendly alternative to tampons and pads.


Definition of terms:
Chronic inflammation is inflammation of prolonged duration (weeks or years) in which continuing inflammation, tissue injury, and healing, often by fibrosis, proceed simultaneously.
Characteristics of inflammation:
Chronic inflammation is characterized by a different set of reactions:
1.       Infiltration with mononuclear cells, including macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells.
2.       Tissue destruction, largely induced by the products of the inflammatory cells.
3.       Repair, involving new vessel proliferation (angiogenesis) and fibrosis.
Malignancy can be defined as a tendency to progress in virulence. In popular usage, it is any condition that, if uncorrected, tends to worsen so as to cause serious illness or death. Cancer is the best known example.
Deregulated inflammatory response plays a pivotal role in the initiation, development and progression of tumours. Potential molecular mechanism(s) that drive the establishment of an inflammatory-tumour microenvironment is not entirely understood owing to the complex cross-talk between pro-inflammatory and tumorigenic mediators such as cytokines, chemokines, oncogenes, enzymes, transcription factors and immune cells.
Factors affecting activation and deactivation of molecular mediators:
These molecular mediators are critical linchpins between inflammation and cancer, and their activation and/or deactivation are influenced by;
      1. Extrinsic (i.e. environmental and lifestyle)
      2. Intrinsic (i.e. hereditary) factors.
At present, the research pertaining to inflammation-associated cancers is accumulating at an exponential rate. Interest stems from hope that new therapeutic strategies against molecular mediators can be identified to assist in cancer treatment and patient management.
In a sense, tumours act as wounds that fail to heal (2).The hallmarks of cancer-related inflammation include the presence of inflammatory cells and inflammatory mediators (for example, chemokines, cytokines and prostaglandins) in tumour tissues, tissue remodelling and angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels) similar to that seen in chronic inflammatory responses, and tissue repair.
Other terms:
Cytokines: A small protein released by cells that has a specific effect on the interactions between cells, on communications between cells or on the behavior of cells. The cytokines includes the interleukins, lymphokines and cell signal molecules, such as tumor necrosis factor and the interferons, which trigger inflammation and respond to infections.

Chemokine: One of a large group of proteins that act as lures and were first found attracting white blood cells. The chemokines are involved in a wide variety of processes including acute and chronic types of inflammation, infectious diseases, and cancer. Chemokines may lure cancer cells and help determine the sites to which cancer cells spread by metastasis.

Prostaglandin: One of a number of hormone-like substances that participate in a wide range of body functions such as the contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle, the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, control of blood pressure, and modulation of inflammation. Prostaglandins are derived from a chemical called arachidonic acid.

Research: Rich people avoid pessimists

Having tried to climb the ladder of greatness; succeeding one step at a time, I've realized that my major boost and commitment to greatness is surrounding myself with optimistic people. Sometimes I feel people are to optimistic, nursing dreams that are to big to achieve; but is there ever a dream too big to achieve?, we all struggle in the world we find ourselves to make a difference that makes us outstanding,. With two great minds, we can achieve four great dreams.- OSCRoyal

In fact, your friendships could have a major impact on your net worth.
After researching the daily habits of wealthy people for five years, author Thomas C. Corley found that they avoid one type of person at all costs: pessimists.

"Self-made millionaires are very particular about who they associate with," Corley writes in his book, "Change Your Habits, Change Your Life." "You are only as successful as those you frequently associate with. The rich are always on the lookout for individuals who are goal-oriented, optimistic, enthusiastic, and who have an overall positive mental outlook."

Sunday 10 April 2016

How To Get Pregnant Naturally By Increasing Your Egg Health In 90 Days

One of the common beliefs is that the only thing that helps to determine the health of an egg in a woman during her ovulation is simply through AGE.
Well, there are as well a lot more factors that has a general impact on the quality of the egg released during ovulation that also affect the fertility of a woman and that includes environmental factor, hormones in the diets, stress etc.
Now the truth about fertility in women is that it is based off four major areas which are
Proper circulation
Healthy fertility cycle
Balanced hormones
Healthy eggs
For you to get pregnant, you need an healthy egg because that is what actually leads to fertilization and pregnancy.

The Call: Breast Ironing should be made criminal offence

Practices are acts which become a part of us over time, "an illusion which can empower us or cause problems; becoming hindrance to the growth and health of a community. There has been calls for breast ironing to become a criminal offence in Britain, but this practice also happens in African and this call should be extended all around the world. Let's make the world a better place.#$mile, Oscroyal.
There are concerns more than a thousand women have been subjected to a practice known as "breast ironing" in Britain.

The ritual, which was originally carried out in parts of Africa, involves young girls having their breasts beaten, burnt and massaged in order to stop them developing.

The aim is to make women less attractive to the opposite sex so that they focus on school work.

It is almost always carried out by a girl's mother, in the privacy of their own home.

One woman, who we have called Lara, told Sky News she was subjected to mutilation when she reached adolescence.

She said: "They put the spatula on the fire and then they press it on the breast and yes, it hurts.

"Then it goes weak, it's like melting, fat melting and you can feel the breast going back… one of my breasts is bigger than the other one."

It is thought as many as a thousand girls may have suffered this violent mutilation while living in Britain.

A Freedom of Information request by the Conservative MP Jake Berry found almost a quarter of children's services are not trained to deal with the practice, whilst 15% of police forces were unaware it even existed.

A reconstruction of breast ironing, which experts say can cause cancer

Breast ironing is a secretive and brutal form of mutilation.

Heated objects are used to burn children's breasts. Many then have bands tied tightly around their chests.

Experts believe the ritual can cause cysts, abscesses, even breast cancer.

Fibroid:types, symptoms, causes

Women across the country experience fibroid growth and development in the uterus which cause heavy periods and abnormal large mass that sometimes requires surgery. Awareness on fibroid and its causes, symptoms aanD types gives an insight on what fibroid is.- Oscroyal.
Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes, these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). Another medical term for fibroids is "leiomyoma" (leye-oh-meye-OH-muh) or just "myoma".

Fibroids can grow as a single tumor, or there can be many of them in the uterus. They can be as small as an apple seed or as big as a grapefruit. In unusual cases they can become very large.

About 70 to 80 percent of women develop fibroids by the time they reach age 50. Fibroids are most common in women in their 40s and early 50s. Not all women with fibroids have symptoms. Women who do have symptoms often find fibroids hard to live with. Some have pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. Fibroids also can put pressure on the bladder, causing frequent urination, or the rectum, causing rectal pressure. Should the fibroids get very large, they can cause the abdomen (stomach area) to enlarge, making a woman look pregnant.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

hopefull new discovery for the cure of aids: hiv antibody

Newly Discovered "Teenage" Antibody Could Mean Knocking Out HIV for Good

Max Plenke
April 5, 2016
An HIV vaccine could finally be on its way, thanks to the discovery of an immature antibody.
The research, published Tuesday in the journal Immunity, was a collaboration between five teams in three countries. It involved discovering an odd antibody in a Chinese patient whose immune system could fight against the virus.

The antibody looked a lot like the well-known VRC01 antibody, something known to "broadly neutralize" HIV by mimicking an immune-system interaction in your body. It wasn't fully developed, so the researchers called it a "teenage" antibody — only instead of having a pimply mustache and a sulky attitude, it offered a look into how the immune system builds its shields.
"There was something a little bit weird about this antibody," said Jiang Zhu, a biologist from the Scripps Research Institute and co-senior author on the study, in a statement.
Read More: Thanks to CRISPR Gene Editing, Scientists Could Knock HIV Out of Our Vocabulary
What makes HIV so hard to fight: The human immunodeficiency virus is such a challenging disease to battle because not only does it mutate, making it hard to pin down and treat, but it has a wickedly sophisticated defense system. Using an HIV-made protein called Vif, HIV can disable a protein in your body that, in other cases, breaks the virus down in order to better attack it — a divide and conquer technique. When Vif neutralizes that break-'em-up protein by pulling out parts of its DNA, HIV can just keep growing. It's like naturally occurring, weaponized gene editing.
Because of that, traditional methods of building vaccines won't work. You have to "reverse-engineer" a cure using what's known about HIV and past antibodies that have fought against HIV, according to Zhu. Those antibodies are extremely rare.
But finding this "teenage" antibody meant seeing your body's immune system still in progress and not in its final, matured form, offering a rare look at how the body builds its defenses. It was as if the patient had started the team's reverse-engineering research already.

The research team — a mix of scientists from the Scripps Research Institute, the University of Maryland, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Peking University and Nankai University — has been studying the donor's samples for over five years (since it was a "toddler," according to Zhu). Like proud parents, the team watched the antibody develop from its origins to its adolescence to see how antibodies develop — and use that information to make a vaccine to evoke those antibodies.
The best part is that, contrary to previous studies that inferred decade-long development times for powerful VRC01 antibody traits, Zhu's donor showed results in one or two years — the kind of speed you need to fight HIV.
"As long as you have some of those VRC01 signatures, a teenage-stage antibody can become a killer for HIV," Zhu said. "This could be important for developing a universal HIV vaccine."
There's still work to be done before this discovery can lead to huge changes in how doctors handle HIV; an underdeveloped antibody doesn't sit flush with the mature ones, making it hard to neutralize the virus.
But by knowing how antibodies form their defenses, scientists are much closer to finding that universal vaccine, and that's huge news for the future of HIV/AIDS treatment. Score one for teenagers everywhere.
Extract: yahoo news

Sunday 3 April 2016

Agbor: Dien of Agbor Kingdom, Dangote, Otedola, Okowa at CBN governor Emefiele Mother's burial

Nigerians from all walks of life at the weekend thronged Agbor, IKa South Local Government Area of Delta State to grace the funeral service of Late Mrs. Alice Emefiele, mother of the Central Bank of Nigeria [CBN] Governor, Mr Godwin Emefiele.
The event was attended by His Royal Majesty, Obi Ikenchukwu, the Dien of Agbor.

Among those present were Engr. Babachir Lawal, Secretary to the Government of Federation, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Most Revd. Nicholas Okoh, Primate of Anglican Communion, Minister for Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, Minister for State Petroleum, Dr. Ibe Kachukwu, Governors Ifeanyi Okowa [Delta], Adams Oshiomole [Edo]; Ben Ayade [Cross River]; Willy Obiano [Anambra] Emmanuel Udom [Akwa Ibom]; Abiola Ajimobi [Oyo]; Rauf Aregbesola [Osun]; and Deputy Governor, Benue State.

Other dignitaries include, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Chairman Dangote Group, Chief Femi Otedola, Chairman, Forte Oil,, Mr. Jim Ovia, Former Chairman, Zenith Bank, Speaker of the House of Representative, represented by Deputy Minority Leader, Hon. Onyema among others
View pictures below:
Extract: madailygist

Friday 4 March 2016

Medicine : True or False?- photos of live birth.

Considering the wide spread phenomenon of a baby's first cry, is this process of child delivery possible?. These pictures have gone viral online. For the medics out there is this real or not. View pictures after the cut.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Warren Buffet: The nine step priciple to success

Warren Buffett is legendary as an investor, but he’s also an incredibly successful businessperson, too — a fact that sometimes gets lost in the millions of words that have been written about his advice on how to buy a stock.

Thursday 25 February 2016


Ada, Ada!, oh! my Ada. 
what has become of you?, have you lost the pleasure of our childhood love?
Oh! Ada, queen of my heart......

These were the lamentations of John after he returned from a losy battle. It was evening and it was a rainy season and the season to plant; his coco yam plantation was blooming, but his heart was on fire, John had lost the love of his life.
It all began three years ago when John first met Ada, by first met, they fell in love. Ada and John had been friends since childhood, and the innocence of their love had been traded with one more intense; filled with romance and complexity, a complexity that comes with maturity.
As a result of this new found love and romance, John and Ada began making plans for the future, their village was a small one, a commercial city though, since it was close to a large river,  which flowed into the Niger. John was over 25 and being born to the village chief his request for allocation to a large piece of land and a large section of the community river as his fishing ground had been granted. John had great potentials and his potential had been what had driven the chief, his father to aid him in every way possible, but then Ada came along.
Ada, the apple of her fathers eyes and the daughter of the king maker was the beauty of the village, an angel to behold- she could be a shield in battle- although she wrecked many men.
Through the course of their romance, they began to build greater bond between their parents and their romance was greatly encouraged, John was not ready for marriage, although he was not a virgin and Ada was not the first woman that had caught his eyes, he had played the games that young men of his age had, and yet even when Ada asked that they should be married, he asked for more time, citing that it was too early and that they needed a few more months. Ada soon showed her real color and that was when the drama began...

Thursday 18 February 2016

A wife's Double Life as a prostitute: Naija issues

57 year old Gareth McGraa and Jessica, 36 met when he was working for an oil company in Port Harcourt. The couple got married in Nigeria before relocating to the UK.
He said about their marriage that although he felt he was being used for papers, he still loved her –
“I knew she was using me for a passport to a certain extent but I felt more than that.”

They had a son, who is now 6 years old, but became separated when the child was one. Ever since, they spent many times together, even going on a 5 day family trip at a spa hotel this past Christmas. He said he always hoped they would reunite.
So Gareth was shocked when police informed him his wife was a £220 per hour escort, as she appeared to be very religious. He said,
“She was a very pious girl – she dragged me to church even and that’s not easy.”
“When I met her I don’t think she’d had more than a handful of lovers in all her life.
“She wasn’t cheap and liked her Gucci and Armani handbags. She loved the high life and wanted all her dreams to come true tomorrow.
“To my mind, and hers, we were going to get back together at some point.
“Not just me, the two of us. I wanted it, she wanted it so why not? But I only ever got half the story. I thought I knew her and it hurts.”