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Saturday 21 May 2016

THAT QUESTION: Are Men Disrespectful when they hit disrespectful women?

This is my opinion. Its been a long time since I wrote an article for publication stating my view about how untamed and disrespectful certain women can be. To many my opinion is unacceptable, especially to my friends who believe that "if she gives you sex, you can take any nonsense and say okay". My question is why play a womans heart or on the mentality of a woman when you can clearly state your intention. Many people argue that it is an outright act of disrespect when you approach a woman and let her know that your intention is to have a casual sex; however, I don't believe this is entirely true, since certain woman fall directly under this category- not citing sex workers. Let me begin to explain what I intend to argue by this publication; this is a story and I hope you all grasp the concept. It's an arguable content, and I really look forward to reading your comments.

Walking down the street with his friend on Saturday night after visiting friends, a girl walking along with her boyfriend stops John and says " whats up bitch, fucked up boy", usually, John would have walked by without a reply, but dear readers, this was the seventh time.

I'll take you on a little throw back. the incident began a year ago from a failed relationship which I'll spare you the details for the sake of time. In short the girl John dated was sassy, arrogant, with virtually no upbringing, lack of respect or purpose and I think, no future ambition. A friend once described her as a girl who wanted unconditional love, money and power, yet, she had no intentions of working for it, other than through sex. Her name is Trina, Her choice of name or as she claimed she was named by her parents left me perplexed. From the beginning of the relationship, John believed He was fooled, falling so hard for a girl with no respect or reputation.
Within a few weeks John realized that all  he knew about Trina were lies and her polished accent was something typical of a Warri- where she is from, girl, who do things similar to those for a so called first impression.
At first John was lost, because as it turned out, he was in love and within a short while he was all wrapped in a madness he could not explain. Well, for John, it was an experience for which he was grateful.
With Trina, John discovered something new everyday, a new "traumatic" adventure, a new lie, another sexual encounter- with married men, driving school teachers, mothers friends, etc. "At this point, my reader may point out that what's forgotten is gone and should be left to the wind", but how can this be when the sins of our past hunt us?.
After a while in periods of personal solitude and sometimes soliloquy, He asked himself certain questions, trying to understand what it is that caused his obsession for a woman with such low esteem- He was in love. She was a woman who was rocking on a platform of sex filled past , a sexual exploration which left him amazed and traumatized.
In John's own words, "I learned she was wiser and more experienced than I was and there was no way I could catch up in the game that she played". How do you fight in a battle where you have no experience?.
Within two weeks Trina had cheated on John countless times, then came the rage, then the hits and beating and molestations. For John, hitting Trina was easy, almost on a daily basis. He felt used and disgusted and over time Trina being a woman in her repute who had links to cultists, at one point called in her cultist friends to deal with John. Eventually, all things being equal, John began to recede from the madness that surrounded his life, over time, he wailed over his broken heart and how he had let his family down and why he fell for such a woman. Many times John could have failed in school, or left school, but for some reason, God was on his side.
Over time, John was constantly insulted by Trina and her friends. He was called an "anger freak", a demon and a prostitute in short, a bitch- a word which describes an arrogant woman. One of Trina's friends by name Kassy was someone who in all terms was generally recognized as the hostel whore but generally had a reputation for her disrespectful attitude. Over time, she took it upon herself to insult John anywhere she saw him, even on the streets. This made matters even worse for John, since constantly, he had to cope with the trauma of being the perpetrator of "domestic violence", and the disrespect he received from all those staring eyes and hateful faces.

A few months later, John ran into Kassy which John did not recognize this, until someone looked at him, calling him a bitch, well Johns reaction was instant, a slap to Kassys face, an act that some saw as irresponsible and uncalled for. John however did not care ; he was more focused on making sure none of that ever happened again.
Now the question I have for my readers is simply, be the Judge and Jury, who was wrong?, was Johns action wrong?, should the law recognize this as an assault. Should women be respected even when they lack respect and manners?- as a person, I'll advocate for women to be put in their place if they'll trample on the respect they are accorded. Not all women are like Trina or Kassy, so for all the beautiful and respectful and well brought up women out there, you are royalty, much Love.

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