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Monday 16 May 2016


Kuwait is showing the world how to put natural resources to better use with the help of engineering technology. The Middle Eastern state is building a new city by “bringing the sea six miles inland,” according to the Daily Mail.
The Sabah Al Ahmad “Sea City” is currently under construction in the desert of Kuwait, with the help of British engineers. The visionary project kicked off in 2003, and has channeled the sea from the Persian Gulf to fill up the arid land. Workers carved out an area the size of Manhattan around inlets, which they have excavated and cleared of salt.
The multi-billion dollar project is funded by a local property mogul, and the media report claims the city is expected to become a metropolis of 250,000 people within a few years.
The project is named after Sabah Al Ahmad, the 86-year-old emir of Kuwait who came to power in 2006. The city sets itself to become a business hub, aiming to attract companies working in oil-based industries. It also wants to become a magnet for urban dwellers that are fed up with congestion problems.
(Via Daily Mail)

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