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Thursday 18 February 2016

A wife's Double Life as a prostitute: Naija issues

57 year old Gareth McGraa and Jessica, 36 met when he was working for an oil company in Port Harcourt. The couple got married in Nigeria before relocating to the UK.
He said about their marriage that although he felt he was being used for papers, he still loved her –
“I knew she was using me for a passport to a certain extent but I felt more than that.”

They had a son, who is now 6 years old, but became separated when the child was one. Ever since, they spent many times together, even going on a 5 day family trip at a spa hotel this past Christmas. He said he always hoped they would reunite.
So Gareth was shocked when police informed him his wife was a £220 per hour escort, as she appeared to be very religious. He said,
“She was a very pious girl – she dragged me to church even and that’s not easy.”
“When I met her I don’t think she’d had more than a handful of lovers in all her life.
“She wasn’t cheap and liked her Gucci and Armani handbags. She loved the high life and wanted all her dreams to come true tomorrow.
“To my mind, and hers, we were going to get back together at some point.
“Not just me, the two of us. I wanted it, she wanted it so why not? But I only ever got half the story. I thought I knew her and it hurts.”


 It was a lazy morning, John woke up with a head ache+ a bad dream. It was a torment, the past few days had been hectic, writing exams and doing business. John was over 20, but something peculiar about John was his ability to remember.

Being Saturday morning, John felt he could treat himself to a little bit of brain tease only it was a childhood memory.
When John was a young boy, he had an experience that was mind blowing. In a local African/Nigerian community, people believed in "jaz"( an African term that is used to signify the use of diabolic or occult powers), John did not believe, well, until that day when he saw it happen for real.
The man displaying the show was an Hausa native( one of the major ethnic groups in Nigeria), he had the traditional Hausa mark on his face, something that John still did not understand how they passed through the horror of the process involved in getting those marks. He had a weird smile on his face, he simply sat down while his partner did the talking. They were confident in their Jaz powers and did nothing to bring fear or doubt in the hearts of the people that watched them. The only thing that mattered was the thrill and fear that the people got from being in suspense.
In a traditional African community showing off diabolic powers was always a mean to an end of drawing attention. This was the case in this scenario, John was captivated, his memory was not o sure, but he felt he was probably alone that day or occult with his elder sister, he was very young and so being with his sister must have been the case.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Pastor Oyedepo: having the net level mentality/ house on the rock

Watch pastor Oyedepo minister on house on the rock, Lagos. Pastor Paul has been a life impacting preacher and showed off the grace of God on pastor Oyedepos life during a wonderful experience at a congress. In this video pastor oyedepo ministers on the next level mentality giving points and admonitions that can enable you fly to greater heights. I made a previous publication on this subject. Please click on the search button at the top of this blog and search " DEAR DIARY: HAVING THE NEXT LEVEL MENTALITY". ENJOY.

Sunday 14 February 2016


Mr John is the CEO of the John enterprises, a multi billion dollar group that deals in oil and gas, consumer goods production, and agriculture. Johns open door to success had come like a wave of the wind, family wealth and inheritance not withstanding, he had the brain; with knowledge, that turned his father's small consumer goods supply store into a multimillion naira investment in a few years.
With the massive growth in the business and the amount of hard work required, John didn't have time for anything else outside of business, he was strict, dedicated and didn't have time for women. His business continued to grow, and that was when John ventured into the oil and gas sector.