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Thursday 20 October 2016


''To let him dance in the rain''. Those words came to Johns mind; the subject of our daily encounter was like dancing in the rain. Within the time He had spent being involved with women, he had realized that women kept no secretes especially on matters of the heart, and that the power that they wielded in their tongue had a magnetic connection to everything around them; a stench, from their supposed frailty to their definitive destructive power.
Once he had grown so close to a lady and within a short time, the implication of their relationship almost wrecked his academic carrier; like a metamorphosis, a 'desquamation' of his very life epithelium.
Sitting at the pool side with Sally, The cool breeze blowing around them was calling to them to be warm, a physiological 'itch' that kept bothering Johns mind. In his mind was a war of two cities, the one that feared nothing and the other that was so familiar with the consequence of his actions; mistakes made that were so difficult to reconcile.
A friend had once told him that a good name was better, but another voice in his head kept hammering on the fact ''why not take what you can and move on.'' A soft spot on his heart wanted to help the young girl sitting by his side; he wanted to be different, yet his mind was bugged by the few minutes of pleasure he could have tonight, at least to ease his pain, an atonement for the pain he's passed through at the hands of a few women, even though it meant death to his salvation. John was scared he was getting psychotic, but he was still focused on the dream; the motivation that made him want to be a doctor, that desire to have a good name. He was resisting, but he soon found himself going with another flow, one that was being pushed by the experience of a girl born by the streets, bred in the streets and refined within the walls of the streets; a 'soft' girl by nature, wealthy by family privilege but impoverished by the madness of her society.
Sally was 'urging' and ready for sex, her hormones were on fire with decisive intent, she had been 'starving' and right now she was horny enough to 'rape' a man.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

METROGYPSIE: How To Rock | #lingerieAsOuterwear + #tips

Hi guys,
 I have actually blogged this on Kamdora.com  for my Thursday-on-Kam post. I try not to use too many photos on my kamdora.com posts and also tend to get more straight to the point on there..so I’d share it all on here with outfit details.
The Lingerie as Outwear trend has been seen consistently on the runways, shoots and on our favorite celebrities.

Monday 17 October 2016


Looking back at those days, Mary had made up her mind to regret nothing, although at this point she was uncertain of a future (which is absolutely 'nuts')  even if it seemed promising (by this she meant her marriage). She was caught in a net, and in bad shape, but felt lucky that she eventually had a chance to get married; compared to her friends who were there present and represented the 'psychedelic'(relating to or denoting drugs (especially LSD) that produce hallucinations and apparent expansion of consciousness.) class who saw marriage as a burden.
Not ignoring the statistic so widely known that one(1) out of every three girls  had done an abortion at some point in their life; she represented that 1 fraction; only she had done it multiple times, twice for the man she was now married to, - as always, she was with the minority. This did not bother her much because over time she had tapped into the power of pretense; by understanding the principle by which women command power. She was a walking time bomb and in her opinion this was the only way she could survive.

Sunday 16 October 2016


The couple 'marched' into the club ready to dance till ''they dropped dead''. It is the most important day in Marys life; at least so far, but the displeasing fact was the picture that was right before her; all the wasted years spent clubbing, how her relationship with John was left for dead; she always hoped that he had really forgiven her, because she knew that whatever John turned out to be now was because of her rejection and wayward lifestyle.
Mary took a long shot from the good girl she was when she and John were childhood sweethearts to a totally different person; although John will always insist that they will always be friends, he however acknowledged that she had lost her decency. Mary had began to get involved with rather promising and fun loving friends who introduced her to the fancy way of life, but within her soul she knew this was a disaster; she couldn't beat the crowd, why not join.

First University in Nigeria: Ahmadu Bello University launches first ‘Online’ MBA in Nigeria

I came across this publication on LindaIkejisblog.com, I'm very impressed with this new height attained in the academic field among Nigerian institutions; Ahmadu Bello university has proved outstanding especially in this period of economic recession.