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Saturday 21 May 2016

THAT QUESTION: Are Men Disrespectful when they hit disrespectful women?

This is my opinion. Its been a long time since I wrote an article for publication stating my view about how untamed and disrespectful certain women can be. To many my opinion is unacceptable, especially to my friends who believe that "if she gives you sex, you can take any nonsense and say okay". My question is why play a womans heart or on the mentality of a woman when you can clearly state your intention. Many people argue that it is an outright act of disrespect when you approach a woman and let her know that your intention is to have a casual sex; however, I don't believe this is entirely true, since certain woman fall directly under this category- not citing sex workers. Let me begin to explain what I intend to argue by this publication; this is a story and I hope you all grasp the concept. It's an arguable content, and I really look forward to reading your comments.