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Saturday 15 October 2016


A couple of days back, Maraji appeared on coca cola launch party alongside Falz d bahd guy and many other celebrities. I can't really tell if this is her first big appearance but @Maraji has been a super important media personality on social media, especially on instagram where she can hit over 612 hits per video in 12 minutes. Her fashion sense though, something she should probably work. 
View pictures after the cut.


The couple arrived just on time amidst cheers from the waiting crowd, the sound soon began to fade from Sally's ear; she was lost in her own thought and memories from her past were beginning to resurface. To her it was like a nightmare, only that she was awake and aware.
When she was 16, she had received a letter from Michael; a boy she was romantically involved with, which contained a message so strong that for a long time it had a positive impact in her, but now she feels she had lost the message. Her thoughts however continued to dig deeper.
Michael was one of the most intelligent and lovable people in the class, Sally on the other hand was a perfect opposite; she was 'everyone's girl' to be precise, but somehow from the moment she and mike(for short) first saw each other, which was about a week after Sally was transferred to the new school, there was something between them that connected. Michael had become so attached to her; and thinking about it now, she felt it was because of his nerdy boring life compared to her open wild life. Those thoughts were so mediocre now; by this she meant the way she saw life then.
Although Sally had been very much involved in sexual activities, Mike had little experience. They soon got sexually involved. Over time, their relationship became something that was thrown in the open, and like in every society, the elites did not approve. Being clever as it is; not academically, but in games such as this which were childish and depressing, she saw doom coming her way, but she was ready for it and she took it in all bravery; maybe because at that time, even while with Mike, she was still sexually involved with other boys and men from her past who satisfied her sexual desires- Needless to say, she believed; not to categorically abuse the word, that she was a nymphomaniac.
Sally however never stopped loving Mike, and always wished that she had kept him. The first and only letter that Mike wrote her was something that was an inspiration for her and it carried so powerful a message that it still scares her. She still wondered how he could have conceived such a message at that young age; maybe it was his brilliant nature, or experience, or God given wisdom.

Thursday 13 October 2016


So our dear dear ''fashion royalty'' is at it again!!!. This publication is actually made up of a video and ''auto- awesome'' pictures that will blow your mind away. Stephanie talks more about her outfit, not just explaining what they mean to her, but letting you; the reader and viewer experience what it means to be a metrogypsite.. +Metrogypsie +Metrogypsie !



As a formality, everyone had arrived before the bride and groom; as they stood up waiting patiently, some of them with drinks in their hands waiting for the new couples' arrival in grand style. The Dj was already on the beat.
In the time before the couple arrived, although John and Sally stood next to each other, observing the many couples around, their thoughts were worlds apart, and the 'pinch' on their hearts was a precedent to their anticipated togetherness. In Johns mind, he had began to wonder on the issue of virginity, marriage and love and on the complexity of having to marry a girl who he knew little about; because in his opinion, there were too many secrets someone can hide from another person, just as he has this one on his mind; the sex factor.
The thought on John's  mind was '' how to justify that he was ''walking'' towards having sex with a girl so much younger than he was, who was not a virgin and who is wild. A list of possible things were running through his mind; he had never liked the idea of protected sex, so what if she had AIDS, or an infection; gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts,hepatitis?,''HIV nor dey show for face O!!''. Everything was on the line; his entire future, but the ''ignore the fears'' part of his mind did not care about ethical value. He could not ascertain how many men she had been with, and he could bet that in her heart she was probably expecting that he, John, will be willing to enter a relationship with her and eventually marry her. He let out a gentle laugh and went on to bother his mind about other things, like the patients he had to see in 'tomorrows call'.

Tuesday 11 October 2016


It has become very common in all Nigerian weddings to spray money as a show of social status and Felicia ; it has indeed become a ritual.
Like the majority, Mary's wedding was no different- spraying money is a life long tradition of the wealthy and affluent Nigerian, a way of showing they have arrived. It is almost a part of our culture.
With the wads of naira notes floating in the air and high life music playing in the background, the couple were on the road to a happy matrimony.
John sprayed for a few 'life long' minutes, having been able to convert about fifty thousand naira to new bundles of two hundred naira notes; although at a loss of five thousand naira, this however significantly increased the quantity of the initial fifty thousand naira and also the duration of spray. Its a lot of mathematics, but Nigerians have a way of making money from everything. 
By the time John was done Sally was by his side, and John offered her a ride to the after party.

In the car, they continued their discussion where they left off, with John finally bringing up the topic of sex, asking if she, Sally, had had sex.
''very likely, every interaction between a boy and a girl on a social platform has a way of playing towards sex''
Her answer which was that she hadn't had sex surprised John; considering that he saw her as a 'wild girl', but she went on to say ''I was raped when I was younger by a friend'; to John, her statement was outright and blatantly pity eliciting, while being contradicting. John had a mentality; maybe because he still cannot grasp the complications of living as a woman, that a woman cannot claim to be raped except when rape drugs or violence was used with an outright intent to rape, he also felt that the crime of rape was defined exclusively by how the woman feels about a sexual encounter whether violent or not; he briefly recalled in his mind an experience from medical school, but that experience has to wait.

Monday 10 October 2016

FASHION: Stephanie of @metrogypsie

View beautiful pictures of the ever modest and beautiful Fashion blogger +Metrogypsie . This beauty with brains never stops to wow with giant strides all the way.
Check out her Zara Jacket, River Island skirt, La Senza and Aldo shoes, a perfect combination of class and style, and let her guide you through how she put her outfit together, #womenwithpurpose.



At the reception, Sally was on the lookout for John, wondering where he was; all the time, soon her thoughts of him were beginning to ‘fade’, but he showed up, and in new clothes too; john had never been a fan of flamboyant dressing, he had always loved to be in simple comfortable clothes and over time his love for simplicity has created for him a comfortable 'niche'. He was in a blue Jean, a ‘carton’ colored polo and blue sneakers; that’s as comfortable as anyone can get, he soon found himself beside sally, who had little to do with her time and needed someone to talk.
John started a conversation, and at this point he had already lost interest in the proceeding of the wedding, He heard something about the introduction of guests, but that was about it.
 In their ‘chasing’ chatter they were soon lost in the sweet seduction of each other’s sweet side
In their ‘chasing’ chatter they were soon lost in the sweet seduction of each other’s sweet side; it was matter of 'seconds' before they soon exchanged numbers and made plans for how they will spend time together at the after ‘night’ party.
Sally had become used to a world of disappointment; in her opinion, men had a sexually driven misplaced priority. At her young age she had been in relationships with several men, she had rich backgrounds, 'nor was she being molested'; but of course, growing up within the commercial city of Warri (in delta state) was as much exposure as anyone will need. She had gained much experience in the rather crazy 'aristocratic' setting of a 'bestial society' where men are hunters and young girls the prey- to such men each score was a 'sigma bond'.