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Monday 10 October 2016



At the reception, Sally was on the lookout for John, wondering where he was; all the time, soon her thoughts of him were beginning to ‘fade’, but he showed up, and in new clothes too; john had never been a fan of flamboyant dressing, he had always loved to be in simple comfortable clothes and over time his love for simplicity has created for him a comfortable 'niche'. He was in a blue Jean, a ‘carton’ colored polo and blue sneakers; that’s as comfortable as anyone can get, he soon found himself beside sally, who had little to do with her time and needed someone to talk.
John started a conversation, and at this point he had already lost interest in the proceeding of the wedding, He heard something about the introduction of guests, but that was about it.
 In their ‘chasing’ chatter they were soon lost in the sweet seduction of each other’s sweet side
In their ‘chasing’ chatter they were soon lost in the sweet seduction of each other’s sweet side; it was matter of 'seconds' before they soon exchanged numbers and made plans for how they will spend time together at the after ‘night’ party.
Sally had become used to a world of disappointment; in her opinion, men had a sexually driven misplaced priority. At her young age she had been in relationships with several men, she had rich backgrounds, 'nor was she being molested'; but of course, growing up within the commercial city of Warri (in delta state) was as much exposure as anyone will need. She had gained much experience in the rather crazy 'aristocratic' setting of a 'bestial society' where men are hunters and young girls the prey- to such men each score was a 'sigma bond'.

Having been through depression and taunting cast downs, Sally was ready for a little romance if something real, no matter how little, could come out of it- to feel like a woman.

Her interpretation of Johns appearance showed his lifestyle as excellent and not exposed to the 'madness', which was common these days. However, in Johns opinion, the world was so much larger than women, but being skin tight to one especially at this point of his life( although on a second opinion it did not have so much an impact, other than to feed a lustful heart), was probably a needed experience- or who knew, if the devil was at work.
They continued to enjoy each others company, stating emphatically their good scores in life so far, and then some of the bad

They continued to enjoy each others company, stating emphatically their good scores in life so far, and then some of the bad. John's choice of judgment was however partial; seeing himself as an angel, but unknown to him, the power of experience and a spark of romance was like fire lit on a rock- something about glory and pride that draws from the inner soul.

Moreover, Sally was; in her mind, building up a grand plan on how to evade her mothers constant watching eyes - a memory that says look around you ''Nigeria at 56 is in a state of economic recession,'' a constant nightmare of insecurity, reminding you to be on guard- have a Job or become an entrepreneur. She came up with a plan eventually, hoping that her mother will understand her desire to spend the night in a hotel to celebrate with a just wed friend and family; She was 18, but her mom was very much old fashioned; Mrs Katherine could have bet that her daughter was still a virgin, if only she knew.

The best man picked up the microphone, inviting friends of the bride and groom to join them on the dance floor to 'dig' it out. John handsomely excused himself, and Sally quickly approached her mom for the next step of the plan; it was going to be an awesome night.
Her moms response was simple and swift; it was yes, which left Sally be-wielded with excitement, she soon joined the dance group 'because the floor was now set'.  

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