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Saturday 7 September 2019


When John woke up, he had a hangover; he hadn’t had such for a very long time. He was going to sleep in, it was Sunday, and he already made up his mind not to go to worship, he would rest towards Monday’s stressful week and the ‘call’ he had later that same evening at the hospital.
He regretted the sexual encounter already, he had had unprotected sex and he could feel already; within his body, that he might have an infection; God! Let it not be HIV.
He would give it some time, but he felt there was no reason to go on HIV prophylaxis; he would take the huge gamble with fate; everyone is having sex without catching the virus, maybe he will have that grace.
John had reached this crossroad in his life where he felt he still acted as a child. In this worldliness of sexual sins, he has survived more than once; here he was, a doctor, what more did he want in his life, He had it all, but his lack of love must have been the cause for his sexual weakness and promiscuity; he was quite notorious. It was impossible not to notice him. He was a light that could not be hidden. He had to change, he had had enough of the madness of this sexual norm; which he was swimming in, he had to retrace his steps to God, and that fact was the most complex of the decisions.
When he was younger, he had a great relationship with God. But from a young age, he always loved women, but more importantly, he never had true friends; he was mostly depressed and longed for happiness, his home played another role in his breakdown. Although he accepts responsibility for all that has happened in his life, he did feel that if he had a firmer foundation as a young person, he would have avoided some of the bad choices he made as a teenager and which he has continued to make.

He had grown up in a very religious home, but the religion was not the problem, violence was; which is 'particular' in most African homes. John had always been tender at heart and yet he was unable to comprehend the misfortune and turn of events that left his family in the dark, immensely affecting his sense of pride which defined him. He believed in the finer things of life and above all had a fancy dream for paradise and greatness, he had known a lot of pain and through the course of his final days at the university, he had become violent and abusive with his girlfriend; this defined how people perceived him considering how popular he was on campus. He was loved, but hated by many, he was called proud even when he was humble, and eventually those who called him proud were soon to become the very characters which they abhorred. Nothing lasts forever, not even hate or rejection, we all die someday and then the grave begins another story.
The bouts of violence left John depressed and he wondered greatly how he could ever salvage his public image; in time, our phase fades. He took the pain and pressure and moved on; he wouldn’t let the setback define his life.
Here he was again, back in the arms of a woman, forgetting his greatest motivation and initiation to be a member of the body of Christ. He was wondering if God will accept him now. He had to do things right, make his family proud, get married and live the dreams he always had.
The heart break from Mary had crushed him but he was determined to make a decision in the right step.
He picked himself up from the bed, had a shower and dressed up. He left the hotel, but left behind the piece of paper with Sallys number; he won’t do this anymore he thought, this is the end to his amorous affairs, after today, He was going back to GOD.

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