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Thursday 4 February 2016


Ijeoma- mazi’s wife
Chidi- prince
Azuka- prince
Ike – hired assassin
Igbudu- high priest


[This tragedy is a wedlock of the gods which finds its root in the ritual of death and mourning.

In the palace of the king,]


I wrote in a previous posts that we’re nothing but pencils in the hands of the creator…. We are humans and we’re not perfect… We meet the perfection mark only by grace which we receive as a result of Gods sacrifice of his own son, we are saved by grace so, why should we judge or condemn anyone. The decisions we make set the foundations of our lives and the life of those we speak to, there is power in our tongues. BEWARE.

According to sunday adelaja's blog, 

In a Q & A blog sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, a reader asked evangelist Billy Graham for advice on handling her deeply critical aunt  who “takes great delight” in her criticism of not only family but of celebrities and political representatives, as well. Graham answered pointedly: “No one likes to listen to someone who constantly criticizes others or endlessly complains about someone or something. The Bible is clear: ‘Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure’ (Philippians 2:14-15).”
Graham perused briefly why critical people behave this way, but quickly returned to his point: “A critical, complaining spirit is wrong in the eyes of God. How can we love others (as God commands us to do) if we look down on them and constantly say negative things about them? How can we help them and encourage them if we cut ourselves off from them through our critical comments or unloving attitude? How can we be honest about our own sins if we’re preoccupied with the sins of others? The Bible says, ‘Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. … Who are you to judge your neighbor?’ (James 4:11-12).”


A few days ago I listened to a sermon, on you-tube, on having the next level mentality by Bishop David Oyedepo. This sermon is exceptional and a bold step on the ladder for greater achievements. I took note of some important points;

1                           Our imagination sets the pace for our destination 

                   Only those who dare ever deliver
3              We are redeemed to dominate life’s situation

             A lion dominates, we’re spiritual lions by redemption

5                            It takes a lion heart to have a lion share

6                There is nothing that God requires a man to do that does not require a lion heart to get it done

7                            The same lord over all is rich to provide for them that ask him
                  You are redeemed a star to outshine your world One star exceeds another in Glory; in as much as we’re all stars, we need to keep working to be outstanding

1                            You should be driven by value added mentality

1                             God expects you to change level annually to appraise your qualification for the next level

1                             Change of level should be by all biblical legitimate means- refuse to remain at the same level

1                            What God asks you to achieve is a baseline that he wants you to fulfill to go forward

1                             You don’t wait for things to happen, you have to work to make them happen

1                            You can inherit anything in life, but not status

1                            You may inherit the works of your father but not his worth

1                            You have to work hard to accomplish your worth

1                             He who gathers by labor shall increase

1                             You cannot change level on another man’s ticket, you have to pay the price to change level

2                             You must identify the relevant forces for the change of level
           To achieve a new level, you have to be in a covenant practice- pay your tithes              
            Seek the secret of kingdom prosperity

Tuesday 2 February 2016



A good morning to my beloved readers. Having been blessed with a talent to write, I'll like to introduce a number of publications in the form of articles, short stories and other publications; based on my daily experiences from interaction with people I come across, or clinical cases, that I have opportunity to experience as I advance in my study of medicine and and surgery.


Who said that life is not bliss?
who said that living is a trial?
I say that life is bliss and living is understanding- Shadrach Onyarin

The events that occur in life make us understand that we can achieve our goals without falling along the way.
A mans thought plays a role in his destruction or built and his destruction and built. Man has a consciousness in him, with which he thinks and works in a direction for a purpose- this thought is faith. -hebrews 11:1 - "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
A man worries, has fear of failure, lack of confidence- all of these come from his thoughts.
"How can a man repair the damage of what he thinks, the action from what he thinks, or the fear of what he thinks?.- Have faith- just think it. It all lies in the power of the "thought".

why we worry about friends and enemies:

"life is beautiful, love is true, we seek for the true religion, but we all know that there is only one true GOD.

In this life we have lust, we are afraid- we get intimidated, the brave heart in us beating at the right time while in some cases it will not.

We may decide to talk and at the end we make promises we cannot we cannot fulfill. But our wish is that we follow the course of nature, protecting our minds through the meanders of life's journey.

We sometimes seek friends to console our grief, to be who they're not, for their wealth of wisdom, for their money, for their love. But being what or who a friend is, is not who you are. You're born for a purpose, for greatness, and the power lies in what you think.

Living life increases the common sense that we have - you may not understand, so let me explain, being a boy of sixteen, the wealth of experience which I have I cannot compare with that of an elder, but I have learned.

Sometimes we fail, even when we work hard and are hardworking, but even in the deepest of trials the power of what we think can overshadow even the greatest of failures and bring peace with a satisfaction of productivity.

We worry about the actions we took in the past, and then the feelings with every beat of the heart. Sometimes we worry about nothing - since the things that we concern our hearts with are things that may be of no concern with ordinary me.

Well, begin to think that you are unique, because I am.