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Thursday 4 February 2016


Ijeoma- mazi’s wife
Chidi- prince
Azuka- prince
Ike – hired assassin
Igbudu- high priest


[This tragedy is a wedlock of the gods which finds its root in the ritual of death and mourning.

In the palace of the king,]

King: I am old and dying, I will soon join my ancestors. Who will seat on this throne, Represent me & my fathers’ on this throne? I will ask you one more question, which of my son do you think should succeed me? I believe my son Azuka is better in character than my first son Chidi. I also called you here to seek your advice.

Mazi: [one of the chiefs, he coughs] your majesty, long may you reign. You should crown your son Chidi as is our tradition and custom.

King: I am not concerned about who is first or second, remember, my first wife gave birth to Chidi few seconds before my second wife gave birth to Azuka. So I will call them twin, but I want who will seat on this throne and rule my people in a good and wise way, a way of kings, my chiefs, a way of good kings.

Eze: [also one of the chiefs] your wish is our command your majesty [other chiefs look at him with disdain]

King: you have spoken well my chiefs may the gods guide and protect you all.

Chiefs: ise [every one leaves stage & goes home]

[In mazi’s home]

Mazi: Ijeoma! Ijeoma, where is this woman?

Ijeoma: [mazi’s wife] yes you called me mazi

Mazi: How dare you call me by name? so, you don’t have respect for your husband again eh!

Ijeoma: Sorry Nnayi [Nnayi an Igbo word meaning husband]

Mazi: Ijeoma my wife, our king has decided to make his second son king after him. This could mean war in our community, I hope peace reigns

Ijeoma: That is his wish and nobody can stop him.

Mazi: Let us hope that nothing goes wrong

[Mazi and his wife leaves stage and light fades]

*               *               *               *               *               *               *


[Some years later, the queen died leaving the king and the children behind. They did the burial ceremony and the funeral rites, a few days later, in the palace]

Chidi: summon my brother [he shouted at his body guard]

Body guard: yes your majesty, as you wish, it will be done.

 [runs off to carry out prince Chidi’s order]

Azuka: you called me brother

Chidi: yes I called you here, you conspired with our father [the king] to make you king after him. I will show you that I am the first son; you will not steal my birth right.

Azuka: but my brother, I have no evil against you, it was father’s wish, I did not tell him anything about you, my brother. I know your intension is to be king, it is your right, go ahead and claim it [pause], it is yours I have nothing against you. [they both leave stage and light fades].

*               *               *               *               *               *               *


[Two years later, the king had grown weary, and the crown too heavy. So he called Azuka and blessed him and later called his chiefs and told them to make Azuka king, soon after, he died. The people did his burial ceremony, but the chiefs, except chief Eze, conspired and made Chidi king.]

King Chidi: call me Ikenchi

[the servant ran off to find the guard]

Ikenchi: yes your majesty [bowing low]

King Chidi: take all the other guards, go round the village, into all the farms,  and take all the ripe harvest in them and bring to my palace. Announce that every member of this community must buy food from now onwards, and any maiden at the stream today must be brought here as a wife for me.

[that day, twenty-two (22) maidens were brought as a wives for the king]

King Chidi: thank you very much for those beautiful girls Ikenchi, you have done a great Job

Chief Azuka: Your majesty, long may you reign, you have captured more maidens to satisfy your bed, but my daughter is one of those captured, please let her be released

King Chidi: Are you not happy?

Chief Azuka: I am happy, indeed I am, but my daughter is engaged to Azuka your brother.

King Chidi: ikenchi, take chief Azuka’s daughter to my brother’s house. My chief, your wish has been granted.[Ikenchi leaves stage]

Chief Azuka: Thanks your majesty [bowing]

[Soon suffering and conflict began to rise, the community was weak and the neigbouring communities saw the weakness as an opportunity to strike a blow.

Two weeks later, there was a war between the Zuma, Chidi’s Kingdom and the Zinba kingdom. ]

[on their way to the battle field]

King Chidi: we must win this war.

Abram: your majesty we are going the wrong direction, this is not our strategy for war, we might be taken captive or surrounded and killed.

King Chidi: Blow the trumpet and order the army to turn around. [Thinking, King Chidi realized how ineffective he has been so far, but what did he care, he was the king].

Ikenchi: Look your majesty the army of the Zimba land are coming

King Chidi: ATTACK!!!

[the foot steps of many foot soldiers are heard]

Ikenchi: Your majesty their king is not with them, you must return to the land.

King Chidi: No, I must fight to save my people, keep moving, ATTACK!!!

[King Chidi and his men won, they leave the stage and light fades]

*               *               *               *               *               *               *


[Eleven years later, there was famine in the kingdom. The king suffered the people more than ever before. Then gods of the land were angry and sent their servant to warn the king].

Igbudu: The gods ask you a question king Chidi. Once upon a time there lived a man who suffered his household enslaved them but ate and grew fat, what do you think is supposed to happen to this man. 

King Chidi: he deserves to die.

Igbudu: the gods have passed judgment on you, you will die

King Chidi: what offence have I committed to die?

Igbudu: you have enslaved the people of this land, the gods are angry

King Chidi: please forgive me. Ask the gods to forgive me

[King Chidi called in the guards ordering them to release some of the foods]

Igbudu: You will no longer die, but beware and go in peace.

King Chidi: Thank you Igbudu and go in peace too

[Igbudu walks away]

[A week later]

King Chidi: What have we done [pauses] we have released almost all the food. I am not happy about this. Go, bring back all the food

Ikenchi: Yes your majesty

[Ikenchi leaves stage to carry out the kings orders]

 [the gods were angry, so they stopped rain and the crops died]

King Chidi: what sort of nonsense is this?, Ikenchi

Ikenchi: yes your majesty [bowing to him]

King Chidi: call me Igbudu the servant of the gods

Abram: yes your majesty [leaves stage out to carry out the order]

King Chidi: i will deal with Igbudu [anger in his face]

Chief Azuka: be calm your majesty, Igbudu will have answers, long may you reign

Chief Mazuka:  How can he calm down when the gods is suffering the land?

Chief Chaka: [A war hero] How can he calm down [pointing at Mazuka]

Chief Ekam: Shut up, you children of yesterday. Why won’t you allow the king to be calm

[the chiefs continue to argue]

[light fade then]

King Chidi: I remain calm until Igbudu is here

[Igbudu arrives]

Igbudu: You called me your majesty

King Chidi: there’s no rain, the crops are dying, people are suffering, and we need answers from the gods

Igbudu: your majesty, long may you reign, but the answer you seek is written on the palms of your hands, you are the cause

King Chidi: how?

Igbudu: the throne is not yours to keep, the gods have spoken

[the chiefs look at themselves in alarm]

King Chidi: the throne is mine to keep, it is mine by right as the first born child

[king Chidi replied calmly]

Igbudu: your brother is supposed to seat on that throne not you [chiefs appear to be shocked at the words of the high priest]

Chief Marzula: Igbudu, how dare you talk to my king like that?

[Standing from his seat and pointing an accusing finger at the high priest]

Igbudu: be quite, you rebel chiefs

King Chidi: you have come to my palace on my invitation; you insult me, insult my throne, and insult my chiefs. Don’t you know you’re still my subject? , guard!!!

Ikenchi: Yes your majesty

King Chidi: take this fool called a high priest out of my sight

Ikenchi: yes your majesty [Ikenchi approached the high priest to carry out the kings order but #lights fade, #lights on, the priest had vanished]


[Back at the palace]

King Chidi: how can the gods decide for me? [Pause] Ikenchi

Ikenchi: yes your majesty [Bowing to him]

King Chidi: take your men, bring me the gods

Abram: [afraid and dared to question the king] but why the gods my lord

King Chidi: don’t ask me stupid questions. Go and get the gods

Ikenchi: yes your majesty [lights fade as Ikenchi leaves the stage]

[on their way, the guards discuss among themselves]

Chika: i am afraid the gods will strike us

Chukwudi: i fear, that is the truth [pause] we better go back if we love our lives

Iduma: if we carry out the commandment of the king the gods may punish the land more

Chinedu: if the gods get angry and punish the land and the people find out we will be offered as sacrifice to the gods.

Okoyi: and if my parents finds out I am among the people that went to carry the gods, they will disown me, and then what shall I do disown them?

Ikenchi: but that is the wish of the king, no one can stop him [not knowing that chief Eze was in his farm when they were talking about the gods, he also had them talk about the kings wish, and he heard everything since they were standing right in front of his farm land]

Chief Eze: [talking to himself] so the king can to such a thing

[Ikenchi and the other guards bought a wooden god just like the god of the land and took it king Eze, he destroyed the fake god and light fades]

*                       *                       *                       *


[a few years later king Chidi heard that his brother is still alive, he had asked Ikenchi to kill prince Azuka]

King Chidi:[soliloquizing] I destroyed the gods, how stupid I’ve been, I  better steal the gods of the nearby village if I need the support of the villagers, guard!!!.

Ikenchi: yes your majesty.

King Chidi: take your men, go to Keku village. Take their gods. Go in peace.

Ikenchi: yes your majesty. But your majesty, why don’t you call Igbudu and ask him of the gods, the gods may be safe….

King Chidi: thanks for the advice. It is a good one.

Ikenchi: thank you your majesty [bowing]

King Chidi: You can go

Ikenchi:yes your majesty

[Two days later the king called for Igbudu and asked him a question].

King Chidi: Igbudu, was the gods in his box when it was carried?

Igbudu: who told you that the gods was carried away? He is angered by your actions.

King Chidi: you may leave [light fades]

*               *               *               *               *               *   


[life continues through every thick and thin, through the great mists and the struggle. The people of Zuma continued to endure until one very good afternoon]

Ikenchi: your majesty you sent for me

King Chidi: where did you rest when I sent you to get me the gods? [Playing on Ikenchi’s intelligence]

Ikenchi: [thinking] we stood in the front of the farm land of chief Eze

King Chidi: you rested [pause] when I sent you on a mission? [Pause] I told you not to let anybody see you, yet you stood and started discussing about it. Now chief Eze knows about this, and I have to plead with him even if he is below me, all because of your stupidity.

Ikenchi: but your majesty you cannot beg a chief my lord

King Chidi: you are the cause of this entire problem, Vuga!!

Vuga: yes your majesty [bowing]

King Chidi: bring chief Eze to me

Vuga: yes your majesty

[light fades as Vuga leaves stage]

Chief Eze: you called me, your majesty

King Chidi: yes

Chief Eze: what for my king

King Chidi: to ask you not to tell anyone about what you heard in your farm about the gods

Chief Eze: I will not tell anybody my king

King Chidi: so be it

[light fades as chief Eze leaves stage)

*               *               *               *               *


[King Chidi was not satisfied with his meeting with chief Eze so, he sent someone, from another village to kill chief Eze]

[At chief Eze’s compound]

Ike: my name is Ike, do you know a man called Chief Eze?

[Ike was with a machete and Chief Eze understood that something was wrong, has the king sent someone to kill him?]

Chief Eze: [thinking of what to say]

I am Imako [he lied] the son of the king of Zika [not knowing that Ike was from the village; Zika] who sent you to kill my friend Chief Eze?

Ike: [shaking] I am sorry my prince I was sent by king Chidi

Chief Eze: [shocked he never thought the king was really the person who sent Ike] now leave this place and never come back

Ike: yes my prince [in great horror]

[Now, prince Imako was know by his villagers never to have been seen, since the tradition of his people prevented from meeting face to face with his father until his father’s death- two captains cannot rule a ship]

[Later in the place]

King Chidi: is the job done [silence] you are not saying anything

Ike: no your majesty when I got there I saw a man who calls himself son of king Chacha of Zika, but he looked like the man you described to me

but if he is really chief Eze I will go back and look for him myself and if I find him I will kill him myself I promise you my lord, I swear with my blood.

King Chidi: so be it [king Chidi was so shocked at the stupidity displayed before him that he couldn’t express his anger]

[Ike went to look for the prince or chief Eze but couldn’t find him or both of them]

 [Later in the palace]

King Chidi: where is he?

Ike: I couldn’t find him your majesty

Guards: should we take him away and kill him?

King Chidi: yes, take him away and kill him in the forest without mercy

Ike: please your majesty, have mercy

King Chidi: I do not have mercy

[Ike was taking to the forest and killed]

[light fades]

*                       *               *               *               *               *


[Chief Eze was so angry that he decided to reveal the secret, so he went, first went to the high priest before they summoned the entire community through the town crier and came to the palace]

Igbudu: my people you are welcome today to the delivering of our land, let us welcome chief Eze to come and say something that will tingle in ears

Chief Eze: my people our king is no king, this king has done a lot to this community [he then went ahead to narrate the full story]

Igbudu: what shall we do to this wicked, cruel and selfish king of our land?

King Chidi: I am the true king of this land every man and woman in this land crowned me

Chief Eze: I did not

High Priest: Ugo

Ugo: yes my lord, the great eye of the gods

Igbudu: summon Azuka

Ugo: yes my lord

[Light fades]

Azuka: you called me eyes of the gods

Igbudu: you have been crowned by the people as the king

[Azuka was made king, and he forgave his brother]

Azuka: this is our family tie

[And they all lived happy ever after].

Written by Shadrach Onyarin.

No copy of this publication should be reproduced without the writers written permission. 
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