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Tuesday 2 February 2016



A good morning to my beloved readers. Having been blessed with a talent to write, I'll like to introduce a number of publications in the form of articles, short stories and other publications; based on my daily experiences from interaction with people I come across, or clinical cases, that I have opportunity to experience as I advance in my study of medicine and and surgery.


Who said that life is not bliss?
who said that living is a trial?
I say that life is bliss and living is understanding- Shadrach Onyarin

The events that occur in life make us understand that we can achieve our goals without falling along the way.
A mans thought plays a role in his destruction or built and his destruction and built. Man has a consciousness in him, with which he thinks and works in a direction for a purpose- this thought is faith. -hebrews 11:1 - "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
A man worries, has fear of failure, lack of confidence- all of these come from his thoughts.
"How can a man repair the damage of what he thinks, the action from what he thinks, or the fear of what he thinks?.- Have faith- just think it. It all lies in the power of the "thought".

why we worry about friends and enemies:

"life is beautiful, love is true, we seek for the true religion, but we all know that there is only one true GOD.

In this life we have lust, we are afraid- we get intimidated, the brave heart in us beating at the right time while in some cases it will not.

We may decide to talk and at the end we make promises we cannot we cannot fulfill. But our wish is that we follow the course of nature, protecting our minds through the meanders of life's journey.

We sometimes seek friends to console our grief, to be who they're not, for their wealth of wisdom, for their money, for their love. But being what or who a friend is, is not who you are. You're born for a purpose, for greatness, and the power lies in what you think.

Living life increases the common sense that we have - you may not understand, so let me explain, being a boy of sixteen, the wealth of experience which I have I cannot compare with that of an elder, but I have learned.

Sometimes we fail, even when we work hard and are hardworking, but even in the deepest of trials the power of what we think can overshadow even the greatest of failures and bring peace with a satisfaction of productivity.

We worry about the actions we took in the past, and then the feelings with every beat of the heart. Sometimes we worry about nothing - since the things that we concern our hearts with are things that may be of no concern with ordinary me.

Well, begin to think that you are unique, because I am.

 The "quest" for friends, however, makes us stand at a distance, viewing the horizon like strangers, damsels in distress.. hoping for the arrival of prince charming. Life is a game for lions.. we're nothing but pencils in the hand of the creator and so we fight.

We, as individuals are not cast away, but what we have seen with our own eyes, and our fears and struggles, the prayers we've made, how often we lift our hands, bow our hearts, seeking the face of God, for the love of a friend or family so true and dear like was given to David by sauls son, Jonathan, but we are the creation, we're imperfect and our perfection shows only in our cleanliness and sincerity with peace and love in Gods family- there is where you find peace and a friend and all the family and love that you need.... It is the HOUSE ON THE ROCK.

There is the fight to beat the world, to reap without labor ... well, it ends in disappointment without gain.

When our life's course changes, the ends change, although the means - seemingly enjoyable, must certainly in ways yet to be known be 'non-permanent'.  We wish, at some point that we can correct the mistakes of the past, we pray, offer sacrifices of praise, yet they appear not good enough.

"The purity of heart which God seeks and the dirty soul which the devil desires make a perfect balance to the principle of living"- Shadrach Onyarin 

From the beginning of time, the battle line between  good and evil, peace and commotion/confusion had been drawn- for this same reason are we created in the image of God that we are equipped with the fire and fuel/oil to burn till his coming.
In the desperate 'mind', we seek Gods face, because God cannot lie and our wisdom cannot be compared to His majesty.

"our thoughts are evil and our believes hypocritical", to say that man is made of Spirit, Soul and Body is to say that man is 3 in one just like the Trinity- yee are Gods- Shadrach Onyarin
but the misunderstanding from our thought and the quest to find solutions which we, as men, do not have answers to leaves us lost and we still do not heed the warnings.. we need the I AM.

FRIENDS cannot change what we are to become, they cannot change our past.

But God may use them to brighten our future.

Man cannot live forever, but our desire to accomplish so much , much more than just existing in a 'just course', we can only achieve by the grace of God.

The thoughts of our hearts can change, but the things which we know remain so that forever and always we can learn from the wealth of our experience.

How did this fear begin?,
Why did I fail?,
How do I correct the past?,
Why is that which is good for me so difficult to accept?.

I AM UNIQUE, I will be Great. The Future is bright, I will be great.
Because I serve the GREAT I AM,

I will be great.
I am great, I am the greatest

I am great because I face by day to day challenges and come out strong. Thanks to the I AM, I am the greatest.
I am great because of the thoughts of my heart. If the thoughts of my heart were to be made open, people may laugh and say ''what nonsense he worries about'', but if the have faith, they will see the mountain in my life and see as plain, as plain ground can be, the mountain can be moved and rolled to yonder places.
I am great with GOD on my side.
I am great if I am on GOD'S side.
I am great because what you see is just a phenomenon; the theory of a mist.  
I am great because I work everyday to impact in the younger generation, making them better and greater.
I am great, because I stand tall in the administration of my being, seeing my imperfection, and creating room for perfection.
I am great because everyday I fight the flesh, giving room to the spirit... building the soul.
I am great because I hold the key to my great tomorrow.




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