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Saturday 27 February 2016

Warren Buffet: The nine step priciple to success

Warren Buffett is legendary as an investor, but he’s also an incredibly successful businessperson, too — a fact that sometimes gets lost in the millions of words that have been written about his advice on how to buy a stock.

Thursday 25 February 2016


Ada, Ada!, oh! my Ada. 
what has become of you?, have you lost the pleasure of our childhood love?
Oh! Ada, queen of my heart......

These were the lamentations of John after he returned from a losy battle. It was evening and it was a rainy season and the season to plant; his coco yam plantation was blooming, but his heart was on fire, John had lost the love of his life.
It all began three years ago when John first met Ada, by first met, they fell in love. Ada and John had been friends since childhood, and the innocence of their love had been traded with one more intense; filled with romance and complexity, a complexity that comes with maturity.
As a result of this new found love and romance, John and Ada began making plans for the future, their village was a small one, a commercial city though, since it was close to a large river,  which flowed into the Niger. John was over 25 and being born to the village chief his request for allocation to a large piece of land and a large section of the community river as his fishing ground had been granted. John had great potentials and his potential had been what had driven the chief, his father to aid him in every way possible, but then Ada came along.
Ada, the apple of her fathers eyes and the daughter of the king maker was the beauty of the village, an angel to behold- she could be a shield in battle- although she wrecked many men.
Through the course of their romance, they began to build greater bond between their parents and their romance was greatly encouraged, John was not ready for marriage, although he was not a virgin and Ada was not the first woman that had caught his eyes, he had played the games that young men of his age had, and yet even when Ada asked that they should be married, he asked for more time, citing that it was too early and that they needed a few more months. Ada soon showed her real color and that was when the drama began...