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Thursday 4 February 2016


A few days ago I listened to a sermon, on you-tube, on having the next level mentality by Bishop David Oyedepo. This sermon is exceptional and a bold step on the ladder for greater achievements. I took note of some important points;

1                           Our imagination sets the pace for our destination 

                   Only those who dare ever deliver
3              We are redeemed to dominate life’s situation

             A lion dominates, we’re spiritual lions by redemption

5                            It takes a lion heart to have a lion share

6                There is nothing that God requires a man to do that does not require a lion heart to get it done

7                            The same lord over all is rich to provide for them that ask him
                  You are redeemed a star to outshine your world One star exceeds another in Glory; in as much as we’re all stars, we need to keep working to be outstanding

1                            You should be driven by value added mentality

1                             God expects you to change level annually to appraise your qualification for the next level

1                             Change of level should be by all biblical legitimate means- refuse to remain at the same level

1                            What God asks you to achieve is a baseline that he wants you to fulfill to go forward

1                             You don’t wait for things to happen, you have to work to make them happen

1                            You can inherit anything in life, but not status

1                            You may inherit the works of your father but not his worth

1                            You have to work hard to accomplish your worth

1                             He who gathers by labor shall increase

1                             You cannot change level on another man’s ticket, you have to pay the price to change level

2                             You must identify the relevant forces for the change of level
           To achieve a new level, you have to be in a covenant practice- pay your tithes              
            Seek the secret of kingdom prosperity

3                               Only applied revelation guarantees your change of level

4                               God has ordained us to be on the frequency of continuous change of level

5                               An undying crave to know more of God is the cheapest way to kingdom prosperity

6                                The love of God is a fundamental requirement for change of level

7                               Every encounter with the word with the word is an encounter with destiny

8                                Abraham was a nation- he had three hundred body guards who could resist a nation. 
                    He was a nation of kingdom prosperity

9                                 Every one of us is ordained to be a king or a priest in Gods kingdom- Revelation 5.10.

.                              God is waiting on your confidence in him who said it to make it happen

1                              Because God said it and you’re stupid enough to believe it, God will do it

1                              You are ordained for continuous change of position

1                              It is impossible to be sold out to the truth and not rise to the next level.
  To watch the youtube video, click on the link below.

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