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Sunday 14 February 2016


Mr John is the CEO of the John enterprises, a multi billion dollar group that deals in oil and gas, consumer goods production, and agriculture. Johns open door to success had come like a wave of the wind, family wealth and inheritance not withstanding, he had the brain; with knowledge, that turned his father's small consumer goods supply store into a multimillion naira investment in a few years.
With the massive growth in the business and the amount of hard work required, John didn't have time for anything else outside of business, he was strict, dedicated and didn't have time for women. His business continued to grow, and that was when John ventured into the oil and gas sector.

Nigeria's economy, in the oil sector, was booming at the time John made advance towards the oil business, but corruption was also at the peak; everyone wanted to make money, steal money and hide money, and bribery and corruption was the order of the day. John needed to borrow money at the end of the day to set up five filling stations across two different states of the country, in another five years, John had made a number of connections, enough to give him access to five oil wells. Soon, he had over 500 filling stations across the country and counted as one of the countries richest men. He had accomplished a lot in ten years.
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the Bahamas, John was sitting by the beech , enjoying the morning sun; like most billionaire who loved their privacy, he had a section of the beech condoned off for him. Trouble started when a billionaire daughter wanted to us that side of the beech... It would have been real trouble had she not been so beautiful and John was caught by what he saw, as she wore nothing but G strings pant and a no bra. It was crazy, but John was caught in the web of that moment, just like David for bet Sheba, and he was gone. He waived to his security asking them to let her pass through. She walked towards him but she was not saucy or annoying as he would have hope, at least that way he would have found a fault to get him back to his senses. However, they shook hands and didn't talk much, she had her attendants, a tall dark masseuse, who definitely didn't need the heat of the hot sun, she was dark, what was there to tan?. John made little observations here and there, wondering if the lady was a lesbian, considering how masseuse fondled and squeezed her breasts, gently of course and how she appeared indifferent as if she didn't notice.
John went back to work, he was on vacation but online work was still close at hand, even though he had a blog and blogged once in a long while, what did he care, he had time, these two days, and he was going to make the most fun of it. John was beginning to enjoy the moment of silence he had, and others of quite soliloquy when he heard a footstep approach; the step was light, like leave falling on sad and he was thinking in his mind, "I wonder who her father is and I wonder what she would say to me"...will she say "Can we have sex all night" ... You know, like in the movies. John wouldn't dare look up, but he had to, since he saw his security approaching . He looked up at the beautiful girl and then the security operatives and gave a calm nod. They backed off and now he was looking upwards and sideways trying to understand what would come next and gave a funny face as if to say .. What do you want.. She returned a beautiful smile and beckoned on her masseuse for a robe; a paper thin transparent robe which had a floral design. Her perfume was mesmerizing and her smile was heavenly. She sat beside John introducing herself as a dos Santos, a popular French name- John guessed, but her English was flawless, then she added that she grew up in the unites states, spending most of her time away from her dad. She added that she was into business and that she had interest in investing in Nigeria and that she knew who John was and that their meeting was not a coincidence and that John was a hard man to find.
In a few hours they were done with the beech and they were discussing business over dinner. John was impressed by her standards and wished more Nigerian women had the will and courage, with the level of exposure that Tamara dos Santos had. She was flawless and there was little wonder that any man would die to sit and talk with her. John had remained single, not because he didn't find beautiful loveable and wifely women, but none of them met up to the standard he wanted, he was a man who believed he had flaws regardless of all his great success and hoped for a woman who would complete him, make up for his flaws and that he can be proud of, someone who wouldn't depend on his money.
Tamara completed John.
The more they met and talked about business, John soon realized that Tamara didn't have time either, she advocated for the girl child, helping create awareness about the dangers and setbacks that indiscipline among young men could cause in the society, putting them at risk to become perpetrators of domestic violence, ...Well, John was the opposite, all he thought of was business and making more money, but this was a woman with a vision that had something John didn't have- a passion for change. Soon John keyed in. He wanted her for a wife, but she was not Nigerian and her way of life was just so different, he was wondering how to go about it but decided to keep her close.
In two years their love had grown and when he finally proposed, Tamara simply said, " it took you too long John, what if you missed me".. To which John had no answer but a simply smile, in his heart he was grateful to God that he didn't miss her.
She said yes and soon they were married.
She soon had a feel of the Nigerian culture and tradition and helped john build his empire , 3 years into their marriage they had a boy child and John was the richest billionaire under the ages of 35 in the west of Africa.
On their wedding night Tamara said to John. "You remember that morning at the beech three years ago, I knew you were a hard man to find but no matter how strong you were I knew you couldn't resist my exposure. I always wanted to marry you, it was a plan a well executed", to which John replied, "I was week but you never took advantage of me, for that I am grateful and will always love you. I was made for you, as you were made for me".
Happy val.
No part of this publication should be reproduce without a written permission from the author, thank you.

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