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Friday 12 February 2016


Hello OSCRoyal family, this is another short story publication on John. I hope you enjoy it, leave your comments. Thank you.......

    After a stressful day, John went home, but as usual he wasn't alone, although he had a lot of random girlfriends, this particular girl was special, his favorite. John always knew he had "distanced" himself from God, committing all the sins which, in the bible, God hates. Florence had prepared his favorite meal, but for some reason John had lost appetite, his stomach ached and he had a bad headache. He had sex as usual (on top the head ache o- "pidgin", Nigerians will understand)
John soon fell asleep, during sleep, he began to dream... The dream was a shocker and also a life experience for John.

In John's dream, He saw himself in church, being an instrumentalist, it was little wonder that John, in his dream, was playing a piano and singing worship songs to a large congregation. During the worship session, John's ministration was so powerful that there was healing among the members of the congregation and the head pastor walked to the pulpit praising the grace of God on Johns life.... John never understood why he still saw the manifestation of Gods power. At one time, one of the girls who John dated claimed he crashed her spiritual life, so why did he still dream dreams of great ministerial power on himself. He believed God was passing a message across to him and this time around, he was going to answer.
As the dream continued, he found himself in another scene where he was in school with his secondary school mates and his performance was dwindling as he continued to fail and his mates left him behind.
John always though his failure was because he was not good enough, at some point he blamed the multiple failures in his academic life on the fact that he was sick, since John suffered a rare medical condition that caused him slight "athetosis".
The soberness he felt from within the dream crept into real life for John as he woke up crying.
He needed to make his family proud and overcoming this set back that women and sexual immorality brought to him was the greatest fight of Johns life that he needed to overcome, he had to be strong, he had to succeed, he had to go back to his creator.
When John woke up, he told Florence his dream, although Florence was involved in the same sexual sin, she feared God... She said the following words to John.
.."since I met you, I always knew there was something special about you, I've seen you struggle and I see the bitterness in your eyes every time we had sex, you love God and you fear him, and God loves you. I see his grace upon your life and I see the fire within your bones. If you will be strong, overcome the only weakness that holds you back from becoming Gods general then perhaps, someday, you may be my salvation.
John thought about those words and knowing Florence, the party girl, there was no way she had those words in her thought, definitely He is God who spoke through her. His emotions overclouded him but more so, the fear of God within made him humble, it broke him so he began to cry and to pray. He prayed for hours,Florence left during the course of the prayer, she never picked up his phone call anymore and only sent him encouraging text messages once in a while, she was now a devoted christian, a member of the choir in her church and she was enjoying every bit of the experience, she added.."your encounter with Jesus was a dual encounter, the grace spread across the room, He (Jesus) touched me"..
John was back in church, improved greatly academically and graduated school finally with a second class upper. His spiritual life was unbeatable, accomplishing the promises which Jesus made to his disciples before he left... "....I give power..".
Gods power still works in any human willing to accept and come back to the cross. Happy Sunday and happy Valentines day.
By Shadrach Onyarin.
No part of this publication should be reproduced without permission from the author. Thank you.

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