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Monday 23 May 2016


Over time, I've learnt to adjust to the life of a medical student, the stressful day, late night and few hours of sleep. Indeed the journey to success is a difficult one. In my opinion, its worth it.

About last night,
it was a dream,
and in a moment it was gone,
it was a mystery but then I understood.
Why bother about the matters of the heart when all that you are is in the heart, or of the friend you never had when they watch you burn for the sake of hate; when they're only human and won't live forever.

Is it to forgive or move on or to be a Christian to the core with a purpose driven objective?, or
is it in our hands to choose the destiny of others or to believe that our actions will be without consequence?, do we doubt that we are gods and/or that we carry the power of the supernatural?.

So about last night, this thought crossed my mind because I continued to wonder who my true friends are, I figured there are none, none except family. For those who will stand by you, if you walked away, they'll simply hate you, thinking only of their gain- for their selfish interest.

About last night, I'll only wonder wonder why lose a life, a value so precious, immeasurable and outstanding, why loose a star to protect a future you can't determine the outcome?, is it that it's because God will forgive? or its because we'll have another chance? or because life is so hard we don't need to be too happy and when we are too happy- to some in the claim of Christianity+ their imperfection- what blatant arrogant hypocrisy, we may forget our creator?.

About last night the games that women play baffled me, because I've known a woman who will rather take life than give it; to protect a future which she can eventually lose, or a pride which she does not owe anyone or a matter which she believes is small, with a concept which makes no sense; totally misleading and with no course.

About last night, my thoughts were focused on women, some of virtue-defined by Gods own words+the bible, and others of no purpose, classy to the world, defined by the world, happy in the world; or so it seems.

About last night, I heard my friend say he has always ate his cake and had it. I never stopped to wonder, in a large sense, what madness!!!.
In this world that I find myself in which I believe that I have in many times than once lost my course, however always pursuing peace, I still see in me  a greatness that none can match, a uniqueness in a dirty crazy world.

About last night, everything in the world is defined by our actions, to some they are feared, to others they believe none is god, and yet to others its a do or die affair; so they'll hate when they fail, smile when they succeed, feel Joy when they see others fail/fall, But never find peace.

About last night, this is a message for you. No matter how much you hate, or watch others fail, or laugh at others failures, or hope to be a pharmacist; or whatever profession or career you pursue, because that way you can be someone the society respects, a care to believe that your struggle is personal or that it hurts you when people never appreciate all you do for them, about those you felt should have been your friend or about those that don't care; who feel that life is just for the moment, and because people eventually die, they live for the moment, or that because God put in your hands the power to give life, then you can take any life that you want, the message is clear, life is sacred, and someday the hand that takes life may lose the power to give it and when that day comes, what will you do?.

Its not about the decision that you make, its about the sense in the decision; no single individual is an Island, and there are memories that never fade away. Some people do not understand the meaning of pride- Being who you, stating how you feel, telling people when they hurt you, being precise about that button that shuts you down and how painful it is that the ones you trust cast you down, in my definition is not pride- I've never wanted to be the sheep- only in acts to be like Jesus- I'll prefer the fire to burn without slack till the day of his calling or the day that he comes.
About last night, before I forget, I have a message, I'm coming, I'm coming like a storm, MY LIFE, MY MESSAGE.
Its a beautiful morning, Take the world in a storm and don't let any stupid demon stop YOU.
Y- your
O- opportunity
U- undiluted
PHOTOCREDIT- www.beliefnet.com

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