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Friday 27 May 2016


So I woke up this morning to a message on my page, ''can we date?''
was it morning already?, oh it was last night, so my friend called to know how I was doing, and as usual we had fun talking to and 'stroking' each other. So she tells me about her busy day and the unending disturbance from guys who are asking her out, so I begin to advice her and tell her how beautiful she is and how a guy can be deceitful and how everything needs to be given time, so I go on and on and on and I feel grateful that I have a friend that I can speak to.
so it was like a dream meeting Martha and I never understood what role I had to play in the life of the woman who I just met.It felt like I was in a mist......
When I first met Martha three weeks ago, I had no idea that we'll ever speak to each other again, the setting was strange, it was a rainy Sunday evening and my day had generally been bad and my mood was terrible. I had people that I needed to negotiate with and my business was on the low. Over time I have learned to pray and God always answered; so when Martha came my way, I felt that God had sent an angel. We talked for a few minutes trying to replay moments in our minds when we came across each other and still maintaining an inner peace as though we were two people playing love.

'That day came and went' and I was hardly bothered by the fact that I met Martha and I was beginning to live life as normal believing that meeting Martha had fulfilled its purpose, that was when it struck me that I took her number and that we can chat on 'whatsapp', so I did chat her up and she did the same and before we knew it, we were both in each others hair, being as though we are bugs, our conversations were fun, sometimes personal and other times 'not welcome'. We had moments when we fought and other moments when we just stayed with each other and had fun, we were miles apart but we stayed in touch as if it was all that mattered. I had just left a terrible and emotional battering relationship and Martha was the antidote I needed to move on.

So three weeks later from the day we met, Martha sent me a message that she wanted us to date, I got confused and I took time to think, considering my options and the fact that I didn't want to be in a relationship ever again till I am ready for marriage, so I sent her this message;
You're my friend and I really don't want to hurt you. But 'date' is a something big and I really don't want to lose you as a friend. I'll like us to be friends, good friends if possible. We can talk about this- I don't want us to date , I like us the way we are, as friends.
 and another of my friend advised I send her this message;
I know you like me very much, but dating you will not be the best option now. I'll only hurt you by dating you because I don't have the feeling to cherish you like you'll want me to. I'm sorry I'm saying this, but please understand that you deserve more.
 then she replied and said she was playing a prank on me..... I think she lied, or what do you think?
PhotoCredit: thinklucid.ly

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