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Saturday 23 July 2016


For some time, my opinion about life on the streets; as we Nigerians call it, has been very diverse but now I think I'm cleared and I see clearly.
Life is not easy for so many, although for some of us who see privilege we forget to acknowledge the beauty in out solitude and peace of mind that we find in our ability to be loved and cared for.
Recently I met someone who I'll call 'a friend' and to many this is quite dangerous and irresponsible but to say the least, she's a prostitute.
She happens to also be a student , educated and in the sciences and pretty close to my course, a medical profession. But when we began speaking, I realised she's everything and more that many people are not. Ever seen a prostitute so charming in their approach to words or in the their simple and point approach to things? . Some may be in the game for selfish reason, but in her words. "Its how I survive".
I began to listen; wondering in my mind what do you mean as she continued speaking to me : I have no pride - especially about the things that I do, but this is how I survive , I sleep with people for money to get paid and that way I can take care of myself, pay my bills and walk in " that" class.

"#Kindness. You should continue to sow happiness and love regardless of what people throw at you, it is kindness. People trying to put you down, hurt your confidence, hate on you, are dealing with issues themselves. They are guilty of what they accuse you of, some carry deep seated inferiority complex, Some have been abused, some are just mentally unstable. Are you going through any of these? So why behave like them? I have learnt to show empathy to such people because only kindness (love) can heal hate."- Adebola Williams

Everyone in life has a class, a peer group and a group of people who represent their interests. Well this is a class I believe she shouldn't be among, but who am I to offer to help?. What was I doing meeting a prostitute in the first place and how does that place me in a place of good grace?. Should I start to mention my problems or the setbacks of my recent encounters and how its by Gods grace I've been able to survive this far?.
I don't have much to do, don't know what to do and I don't know how to make her life better, but who says its not already?.
You should continue to sow happiness and love regardless of what people throw at you, it is kindness. People trying to put you down, hurt your confidence, hate on you, are dealing with issues themselves. They are guilty of what they accuse you of, some carry deep seated inferiority complex, Some have been abused, some are just mentally unstable. Are you going through any of these? So why behave like them? I have learnt to show empathy to such people because only kindness (love) can heal hate."
In an encounter with a married woman, who in my attempt to be sexual and prospective, eventually led her to an absolute resolve to seek for my salvation.  What was I thinking?, did I want to destroy her marriage or is it just about my desperation in my sexual weakness?. I cannot explain how all this madness works, bit in the end, I try to compare the life of a man free from sexual impurity, free from sexual sin and the setback that sex sets for a man. If I pay so much for sex, in this aspect, I'm referring not just to money, but to the emotional mental and disastrous sequence of events that inevitably leads to infinite disaster... I'm lost for words to explain that this fiction of my mind is actually a reality to life. With love Royal.

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