When the heart suddenly and unexpectedly
stops beating. Blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs,
and without treatment, within minutes a person is typically dead.
But, a new study has suggested that sudden cardiac arrest isn't so sudden as half of sufferers experience warning signs hours, days, sometimes even weeks before cardiac arrest strikes, doctors at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles discovered.

But, a new study has suggested that sudden cardiac arrest isn't so sudden as half of sufferers experience warning signs hours, days, sometimes even weeks before cardiac arrest strikes, doctors at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles discovered.
However, most people ignore those symptoms – and miss a chance to save their own lives, according to the study.
‘There’s this window of opportunity that we didn’t really know existed.’
The study offers the possibility of one day preventing sudden cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest kills nearly 350,000 people in the US alone each year.
Though it’s commonly confused with a heart attack, cardiac arrest is different – and much worse.
It causes the heart’s electrical activity to be knocked out of rhythm, abruptly stopping it from beating.
CPR can buy time before an ambulance arrives, but few patients survive, an action that is highly unlikely in a rural community like Nigeria.
As a result it’s been hard for the
medical community to tell whether cardiac arrest is a strike with little
or no advance warning.
Chest pain was the most common symptom in men. While women were more likely to experience shortness of breath.
Other symptoms included fainting and heart palpitations.
University of Pittsburgh emergency
medicine specialist Dr Clifton Callaway, who wasn’t involved in the
study but chairs the American Heart Association’s emergency care
committee, said: ‘Chest pain, shortness of breath – those are things you
should come in the middle of the night to the emergency department and
get checked out.‘We strongly recommend you don’t try to ride it out at home.’
A person’s chances of experiencing
cardiac arrest is also increased if they’ve had previous heart attacks,
coronary heart disease and certain inherited disorders that affect
People who know they are at a high risk may receive an implanted defibrillator to shock their heart back into rhythm.
But because cardiac arrest is such a
public health problem, the Institute of Medicine kicked off a national
campaign to teach CPR last summer, so that bystanders know how to help.
Dr Chugh and his team weren’t able to determine symptom severity.
The patients who called 911 about their symptoms were mostly already diagnosed with heart disease or had recurring symptoms.
Those patients’ survival rate was 32 per cent – compared to six per cent for other patients.
That’s because a fifth of the patients who called 911 had their cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital.
This study is just the start of more
research to better predict the risk factors for cardiac arrest – and to
figure out how to target them without panicking people – Dr Chugh said.

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