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Saturday 7 September 2019


When John woke up, he had a hangover; he hadn’t had such for a very long time. He was going to sleep in, it was Sunday, and he already made up his mind not to go to worship, he would rest towards Monday’s stressful week and the ‘call’ he had later that same evening at the hospital.
He regretted the sexual encounter already, he had had unprotected sex and he could feel already; within his body, that he might have an infection; God! Let it not be HIV.
He would give it some time, but he felt there was no reason to go on HIV prophylaxis; he would take the huge gamble with fate; everyone is having sex without catching the virus, maybe he will have that grace.
John had reached this crossroad in his life where he felt he still acted as a child. In this worldliness of sexual sins, he has survived more than once; here he was, a doctor, what more did he want in his life, He had it all, but his lack of love must have been the cause for his sexual weakness and promiscuity; he was quite notorious. It was impossible not to notice him. He was a light that could not be hidden. He had to change, he had had enough of the madness of this sexual norm; which he was swimming in, he had to retrace his steps to God, and that fact was the most complex of the decisions.
When he was younger, he had a great relationship with God. But from a young age, he always loved women, but more importantly, he never had true friends; he was mostly depressed and longed for happiness, his home played another role in his breakdown. Although he accepts responsibility for all that has happened in his life, he did feel that if he had a firmer foundation as a young person, he would have avoided some of the bad choices he made as a teenager and which he has continued to make.

Wednesday 17 July 2019


When Sally woke up in the morning, she felt to have had the time of her life and that the evening was one to remember for a long time. She however didn’t rate John high ‘in the other room’; to her, maybe the slack was from the too much alcohol of last night. Sally had to hurry because she had to be home on time, the last thing she needed was her mother poke nosing into her business. Her mother owned a five star hotel and was always busy. She had a shower, dressed up and left her number on a piece of paper next to John’s phone. On the drive home, Sally fell into her usual depression, she was young and naïve, but not stupid and over time there was lack of attention and love from her mother and her father; who was away in another country trying to make more money. She needed love and because of her depression and mental state, sex was a way to get that love and attention, it made her feel alive, She was not a big achiever but what she lacked in intelligence, she had gained from experience to be very street smart.

Monday 15 July 2019


John’s ordeal began with a phone call from the class coordinator, to whom John was deputy, it was about to turn ugly as he was informed the dean of medicine needed to speak to him immediately; it was an emergency and a matter of utmost urgency.
On arrival at the dean’s office, John was made to face a panel where he wall brazenly accused of sexual assault of his girlfriend and classmate; the shock was great, there was an accusation of voice recording of John calling ‘this colleague after the alleged sexual assault and threatening her; John had never faced a panel all his life, but soon he was to realize that all panels are a whim of tricks and lies to establish an already desired purpose of the powers that be. There was no survival, it was a ready case of sheep for the slaughter; the case in itself was a test of how smart John can be; how much of his 6 years of stay in medical school he can muscle into his survival.
It was not a game John could win, eventually he lost; privy to a series of accusations from pictures to videos of sexual assault all of which were not real, evidence of which were never produced, and accusations unfounded.

Tuesday 9 July 2019


In Dodja’s mind he believed he could intimidate anyone by passing across, ‘largely’ that he was above everyone around him, he showed great immaturity, primarily because of his recently attained position as professor and dean of medicine. In the course of events, John realized Dodja was also a liar, and that he had no integrity. John also understood that it would be ‘stupidity at its peak’ to trust the meander of this unholy individual, ‘a cunt on Holy arosa’.
On a ‘low key’, John continued his relationship with his classmate; a beautiful and intelligent girl, who seemed God fearing and kind, a grave mistake which will eventually see him leave medical school for at least a couple of years, not just on false allegations but also by intended intimidation on the part of the dean and the members of his cabal. Clearly not every church girl or seemingly nice person can handle the real pressures of society or be true to neither their real personalities nor the pressures of a relationship; eventually they try to protect how society feels about them, and fight vehemently in a delirium ‘of being used’.

Friday 5 July 2019


Having a quick flashback to his years in school, John could remember that he once attempted to kiss a girl but failed, not because his gesture was not reciprocated but because he had too tender a heart. Over time John had realized he had become weak in his resolve to be chaste maybe because of all the fun around him.

John’s first encounter with professor Dodja was on a cool evening in a class of about sixty, when the senior lecturer who was taking hematology walked in and told the class that the new dean of clinical medicine was a ‘mad man’, no one believed; the dean on his first visit to them that morning had on his part stated that he had no respect for anyone and no regard for people, and that none of their parents could challenge him. He was a new professor and he clearly wanted attention and wanted to make a name. Being a calm and quiet individual, John, who was on his part a low key a womanizer; could not have bet that their parts could cross in the most disastrous way.

Sunday 21 January 2018


Thank God I am plus 1 today, I'm getting older and I can't believe there was a time when I thought people my age 'are old people'.

I'm quite amazed at the amount of love I've received, considering that a just a few weeks ago, I was actually a media sensation with a very troubling news. I'm grateful to all those who stood by me, believed in me and fought for me, especially my Family; they were, are my pillar and my greatest source of strength; what and all they did was all that strength could me. That I'm free today is because of their unfailing love, commitment and care.

Although the series of events that occurred had taken a course of over six months, I was always positive that the WORLD will remember that FAMILY that stands by, and protects its own - thank you Mom and Dad, for bearing all the pain for me.

However, all of these events has been a draw back or deterrent to my ever positive vibe of being an outstanding success and being the best of who I am no matter what.

I couldn't have wished for 'less', but to be grateful to God for the lessons learned, and how I was able to understand what true friendship is and those who I can rely on.

I believe that the first step to becoming a great achiever is to find trustworthy people; although family is enough. In the course of building a business and setting up an empire, you need people who will stand by you and who you can count on. Lol, I've always had big dreams.

So I say thank God to my friends; Kesiena, Williams, Kelvin, Nkechi, Joseph, Ugochukwu, Onyeka for being there.

For those who wronged me, I send love. I'm not perfect, I've made mistakes but I'm thankful for grace.

Sunday 6 November 2016


John was torn in his mind as he had great plans for the evening ,but his heart was weak, considering that he had to decide whether he will be a good    gentleman or let the devil within act. He had always believed that women (people in general) cannot be fixed, except possibly by the grace of God .Sally had her mind made up since she was down with a good short sex and beautiful night rest. She needed to get John to a room as soon as possible, but she also had her pride to protect. She had a plan- a discrete sweet seduction.
John came up with an idea, an excuse that will be ideal for the situation he had found himself, get a little high on alcohol and let the girl get drunk. That way his emotions will be a 'little numb' and he can be heartless enough to commit an act he'll be sorry for by morning.
"Let's go back to the party" John said. They soon walked into the club where they began to dance. At first John sat on an arm chair, watching the large number of people feeling the groove; of course, the elderly ones had left and this was just a last moment of bachelorhood for the couple. John was absolutely impressed with the way Sally danced, a reminder that 'this girl' was used to the streets- the kind of woman you're afraid to marry. She soon danced towards John, encouraging him to dance, John however had never been the club type, was not conversant with the moves made, but with time and a bit of alcohol and a little motivation from 'tantalizing' lies he was soon on the dance floor feeling the party.
John remembered little afterwards; he was in the room and he knew he was kissing someone, the series of impressions on his mind were all in geometric progression, but as occurs with years of constant practice, his brain could still maintain a flow of medical stuff, thinking 'rather' clearly of the implications of having unprotected sex; HIV, STDs, it was probably too late now and he knew he was in danger.
The action was fast and he felt his clothes falling off, he knew he felt small firm breast but at that point something in him gave way, it was all darkness as he surrendered his soul to the god of the night.