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Thursday 31 December 2015

Pastor Faith Oyedepo Devotional: How do I let go?

How do I let go?

“My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”
-2 Corinthians 12:9-
It’s the end of the year and we need to let go of so many offences before the new year, so we would have the space for a fresh start. Often times during counselling sessions, it becomes difficult to convince hurting spouses to let go of their hurt and move on in rebuilding the relationship. The truth is, as humans, no matter how much we convince others that they have been forgiven the reservations towards them always makes it seems like you are still holding on to their offence. At some occasions, you might strive to be as normal with them but there is usually a constraint.
When a relationship becomes that sour and it seems all efforts have proved abortive, then the most viable question becomes “how do I let go of this hurt?” Having this restraining feeling doesn’t make you less a Christian; it just reminds you that you are human and limited in power. You need the help of a stronger force and the truth is, the Holy Spirit is always present to help at this point.
The question to most people when you suggest the Holy Spirit to them on such issues is this “how do I let Him in?” well the easiest way I can suggest is this, create an avenue where you can be alone with the Holy Spirit and empty yourself on that hurt. Tell Him how that your spouse or anyone has hurt you bad and that you really need to forgive and let go. Make the Holy Spirit know that you need His help and you are willing to follow His suggestions. Then, work with Him as He helps you through this.

Ps. Faith Oyedepo
Sincerely, all of the suggestions the Holy Spirit would give you might not come easy for you. In fact, it would test on your level of meekness, but it works like magic. Most times, you might even need to pray more for that spouse than yourself, but the end results fills your heart with love much more than you initially had. Completely letting go of any hurt is achieving, just begin the walk. Receive grace to go through this in the name of Jesus Christ!Remain Blessed!

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